新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 这里有哪种咖啡?

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/02/22 19:42  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  What kind of coffee do they have?


  A Hi! Would you like a coffee?

  A 嗨!你想喝杯咖啡吗?

  B Yes, thanks. Let me see. What kind of coffee do they have?

  B 是的,谢谢。让我看看。这里有哪种咖啡?

  A Oh, they’ve got everything. Latte, espresso, cappuccino, filter.

  A 噢,这里什么都有。拿铁、浓缩咖啡、卡布基诺、过滤咖啡都有。

  B OK, I think I’ll have a filter.

  B 好的,我想我要过滤咖啡。

  A OK,I’ll order it. Why don’t you get that table over there?

  A 好的,我来点。你去占那张桌子好吗?

  B Yeah, good idea.

  B 好的,好主意。

  Notes 注释

  1 If you want to offer someone something, e.g. a drink or some food, you can say Would you like . . . ? / Would you like . . . ? e.g. Would you like a coffee? / Would you like a coffee?; Would you like some noodles? / Would you like some noodles?

  如果你想要主动给某人某物,例如一杯饮品或者一些食物,你可以说:Would you like . . . ? /你想要 . . .吗 ? 例如: Would you like a coffee? / 你想喝杯咖啡吗?; Would you like some noodles? / 你想吃面条吗?

  2 To ask about something specifically, you can say What kind of . . .? / What kind of . . . ? e.g. What kind of coffee do they have? / What kind of coffee do they have?

  要问某事的具体情况,你可以说:What kind of . . .? / 哪种. . . ? 例如: What kind of coffee do they have? /这里有哪种咖啡?

  3 An informal way of saying Yes / Yes is Yeah / Yeah.

  Yes / 是的 的非正式说法是 Yeah / 是的。

Key phrases and sentences


Would you like a coffee?

Let me see.  What kind of coffee do they have?

Oh, they’ve got everything.

Latte, espresso, cappuccino, filter.

OK, I think I’ll have a filter.

OK.  I’ll order it.  Why don’t you get that table over there?

Yeah, good idea.













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