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皮特与前妻恩断义绝 低价甩豪华爱巢(图)
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/02/28 20:38  国际在线

  Though Brad Pitt's publicist shot down British press reports this week that the star and ex-wife Jennifer Aniston had settled the division of their marital estate, the couple have slashed the asking price of their former Beverly Hills home together, from $28 million down to $24.95 million, reports the Wall Street Journal.

  The vintage 1935 French Normandy-style house, which sits on 1 1/3 acres, has five bedrooms, and nine bathrooms, and went on the market in October – the same month that the couple's divorce became final after 4 1/2 years of marriage.

  The newspaper says Pitt and Aniston will share the proceeds from the sale.

  They had purchased the residence in 2001 and spent three years on renovations that include a screening room and pub, and ended up living in it for less than two years.

  Pitt is now expecting a baby with Angelina Jolie and is in the process of adopting her two children, Maddox and Zahara. Aniston is keeping company with Vince Vaughn.

皮特与前妻恩断义绝 低价甩豪华爱巢(图)







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