原声英文电影片段欣赏:《僵尸新娘》(图) | ||
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/02/22 15:32 国际在线 | ||
本页上播放的所有视听内容未经新浪许可,不得转载。 Corpse Bride《僵尸新娘》电影海报 Corpse Bride 僵尸新娘 [剧情简介] 19世纪欧洲的一个村庄,出身贵族的维克多(Victor,约翰尼-德普配音)是一个有天赋的钢琴家。他接受了父母亲的安排,要把出自曾是贵族之家的Victoria娶为妻子。害羞直率的维克多对婚礼相当紧张,他一直嘴里念叨着结婚时的誓词,害怕忘了。当他一个人走在林间时,维克多跪在地上,把结婚戒指套在地上一根小树枝上想多练习一遍。谁料顷刻间地动山摇,泥土中爬出一位穿着婚纱的僵尸——那根树枝是她腐烂的手指!这骷髅矗立在维克多面前,娇柔而阴冷地说:“你可以亲你的新娘了……”维克多才知道大难临头…… Two aristocratic families pair off their less-than-satisfied children, believing they will all be escalated into high society. Yet when clumsy Victor Van Dort (Depp) rehearses his vows in the woods, he accidentally marries the Corpse Bride(Bonham-Carter), throwing a great wrench in everyone's plans. 影片片段一: Movie Script I 电影对白一: Victor: Really it shouldn't be all that difficult. It's just a few simple vows. With this hand, I will take your wife, oh, no. With this hand, I will cup your...oh, goodness, no. With this...with this candle, I will...I will...I will set your mother on fire. Oh, it's no use. With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine. Ah, Mrs. Everglot you look lavishing this evening. What's that, Mr. Everglot? Call you Dad? If you insist, sir. With this candle, I will light your way in darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine. Emily: I do. You may kiss the bride. 在这段对白中,大家可以学到西方婚礼上新郎新娘说的结婚誓言。 | ||
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