新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 这里是开酒吧和餐馆的好地方

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/03/02 19:49  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  This is a good area for bars and restaurants.


  A There’re so many bars and restaurants here.

  A 这里有这么多的酒吧和餐馆。

  B Yes. It’s really popular. It’s a good area for bars and restaurants.

  B 是的,这里非常受欢迎的。这里是开酒吧和餐馆的好地方。

  A We must come again and try some other places.

  A 我们一定再来,试试其他的地方。

  B Yes. That’d be good. You can eat nearly every kind of cuisine here. Sichuan, Cantonese, Yunnan, Mongolian, Thai, and Vietnamese.

  B 好的,那一定不错。在这里你几乎可以品尝到所有的菜肴。四川菜、广东菜、云南菜、蒙古菜、泰国菜和越南菜。

  A That’s great. Let’s definitely come back.

  A 太棒了。咱们一定要再来。

  B How about this weekend? Saturday evening?

  B 这个周末怎么样?周六晚上?

  A Sure. I’d love to.

  A 当然,我很愿意。

  Notes 注释.

  1 If lots of people like something you can describe it as It’s really popular. / It’s really popular. e.g. Houhai is a popular area for bars and restaurants. / Houhai is a popular area for bars and restaurants.

  如果很多人都喜欢某事物,你可以用popular / 受欢迎的、流行的来描述它。例如:It’s really popular. / 它确实很流行。 Houhai is a popular area for bars and restaurants. /后海的酒吧和餐馆非常受欢迎。

  2 You can describe different kinds of cuisine, using the adjectives, e.g. Cantonese, Mongolian, Thai, and Vietnamese. / Cantonese, Mongolian, Thai, and Vietnamese. Similarly, for European cuisine, you can say Western / Western; French / French; Italian / Italian.

  你可以用形容词来描述不同的菜肴,例如:Cantonese, Mongolian, Thai, Vietnamese / 广东的,蒙古的,泰国的,越南的。 同样的,对于欧洲菜可以说: Western /西方的; French / 法国的; Italian / 意大利的。

Key phrases and sentences


There’re so many bars and restaurants here. 

Yes.  It’s really popular.  It’s a good area

for bars and restaurants.

We must come again and try some

other places.

Yes.  That’d be good.  You can eat

nearly every kind of cuisine here. 

Sichuan, Cantonese, Yunnan,

Mongolian, Thai, and Vietnamese.

That’s great.

Let’s definitely come back.

How about this weekend? 

Saturday evening?

Sure.  I’d love to. 


















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