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NBC播赖斯健身录像 政坛女将变健美明星
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/03/02 20:44  国际在线

  Besides being the Bush administration's go-to official for working out diplomatic misunderstandings, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is also happy to let the world know she's working out at the gym.

  Rice's exercise routine, including weights and a calorie-burning workout, will be featured in a three-day segment on Washington's NBC television affiliate, WRC, starting Wednesday morning.

  "She's an active, active secretary of state," said State Department spokesman Adam Ereli. Asked whether the news feature signals a more muscular U.S. diplomacy, Ereli responded: "Muscular and agile."

  It's not the first time Rice has showcased her hobbies for the public. Last June she took to the Kennedy Center concert stage to accompany on piano a young soprano battling an often-fatal disease.

  Barbara Harrison, anchor of WRC's morning and 10 a.m. news shows, said viewers can gain insight into Rice from her routine and apply it to their own lives. The clip will be aired at about 5:45 a.m. EST.

  "If she, one of the busiest women in the world, can work out every day, the rest of us ought to be able to do something," said Harrison, who has been sharing with viewers her own quest to lose 10 pounds.

NBC播放赖斯健身录像 政坛女将变健美明星








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