新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 咱们打高尔夫球吧

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/03/09 20:34  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  Let’s have a game of golf.


  A Have you ever played golf?

  A 你打过高尔夫球吗?

  B Only once. It’s quite difficult!

  B 只打过一次。太难了!

  A We could try it next weekend. I have a friend who knows a good club.

  A 我们下周末可以去试试。我有个朋友知道一家不错的俱乐部。

  B OK, I’m happy to try again. But I tell you, I’m not very good.

  B 好,我很高兴可以再尝试一次。但是,我告诉你,我打得不好。

  A That’s not a problem. Let’s have a game next weekend.

  A 这不是问题。我们下周末去玩。

  B Well, I suppose it’s good practice.

  B 哦,我想这是一次很好的练习。

  A Exactly. And it’s good exercise, walking on the golf court.

  A 的确。这是很好的锻炼,在高尔夫球场上行走。

  B That’s true. Better than being stuck in the traffic jam!

  B 的确如此。比陷在交通阻塞中好多了!


  1 If you want to ask someone if they have ever done something, use Have you ever . . . ? / Have you ever . . . ? e.g. Have you ever played golf? / Have you ever played golf?; Have you ever been to Shanghai ? / Have you ever been to Shanghai? ; Have you ever visited New York? / Have you ever visited New York?

  如果你要问某人是否做过某事,可以用Have you ever . . . ? / 你…过吗?例如:Have you ever played golf? / 你打过高尔夫球吗?; Have you ever been to Shanghai ? / 你去过上海吗?; Have you ever visited New York? / 你去过纽约吗?

  2 To talk about how many times you have done something, you can say various things, e.g. once / once - one time / one time; twice / twice - two times / two times. e.g. I’ve played golf only once. / I’ve played golf only once. I’ve been to Shanghai twice. / I’ve been to Shanghai twice.

  要说明你做某事的次数,你可以用几种表达方法。比如:once / 一次 - one time / 一次; twice / 两次 - two times / two times。例如:I’ve played golf only once. / 我只打过一次高尔夫球。 I’ve been to Shanghai twice. / 我去过两次上海。

  3 You can use who / who to describe something about somebody, e.g. I have a friend who knows a good club / I have a friend who knows a good club; I have a friend who is a teacher / I have a friend who is a teacher.

  你可以用who / 谁(他,她)来修饰某人关于某事,例如:I have a friend who knows a good club /我有个朋友知道一家不错的俱乐部; I have a friend who is a teacher /我有个朋友是老师。

  Key phrases and sentences 重要的短语和句子

  Have you ever played golf? 你打过高尔夫球吗?

  Only once. It’s quite difficult! 只打过一次。太难了。

  We could try it next weekend. I have a friend who knows a good club. 我们下周末可以去试试。我有个朋友知道一家不错的俱乐部。

  OK, I’m happy to try again. But I tell you, I’m not very good. 好,我很高兴可以再尝试一次。但是,我告诉你,我打得不好。

  That’s not a problem. Let’s have a game next weekend. 这不是问题。我们下周末去玩。

  Well, I suppose it’s good practice. 哦,我想这是一次很好的练习。

  Exactly. And it’s good exercise, walking on the golf court. 的确。这是很好的锻炼,在高尔夫球场上行走。

  That’s true. Better than being stuck in the traffic jam! 的确如此。比陷在交通阻塞中好多了!



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