新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 我做全职工作

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/04/27 19:31  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  I work full-time.


  A What age are your children? Are they still at school or at work?

  A 你的孩子们多大了?他们在上学还是工作了?

  B My daughter is 19 and she’s at university. My son’s 17 and he’s still at school.

  B 我女儿19岁,她在上大学。我儿子17岁,他还在上中学。

  A And do you work?

  A 你工作吗?

  B Yes, I work full-time.

  B 是的,我做全职工作。

  A Of course!

  A 当然!

  B Before I had my children, I was a teacher. Maybe I’ll teach again sometime.

  B 在我有孩子以前,我是一个老师。可能有一天我还会教学的。

  Notes 注释

  1 You can talk about what people do in various ways, e.g. My daughter’s at university. / My daughter’s at university.; My son’s still at school. / My son’s still at school.; I work full-time. / I work full-time.

  你可以用不同的方法说某人做什么工作,例如:My daughter’s at university. /我女儿在上大学; My son’s still at school. /我儿子还在上中学; I work full time. / 我做全职工作。

  2 Notice the phrase full-time / full-time. You can also say I work part-time, three days a week. / I work part-time, three days a week.

  注意下面的短语:full-time /全职的。你也可以说:I work part-time, three days a week. / 我做兼职,每周工作三天。

  3 If you want to talk about work you did in the past, use the past tense, e.g. I was a teacher. / I was a teacher.; I worked as a guide during the university holidays. / I worked as a guide during the university holidays.

  如果你想谈论你过去做什么工作,用过去时态。例如:I was a teacher. / 我过去是老师; I worked as a guide during the university holidays. / 大学放假的时候我做导游。

Key phrases and sentences


What age are your children? 

Are they still at school or at work?

My daughter is 19 and she’s at university. 

My son’s 17 and he’s still at school.

And do you work?

Yes,  I work full-time.

Of course! 

Before I had my children, I was a


Maybe I’ll teach again sometime.















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