新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 国际在线 > 重量级拳王公开怪癖 在烫衣板上减压(图)

拳王公开怪癖 在烫衣板上释放压力(图)
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/04/30 15:31  国际在线



  World heavyweight boxing champion Vladimir Klitschko said his favourite way to relax is by pressing his shirts and he regularly borrows an ironing board at hotels when travelling to unwind with an iron.



  "I've never revealed this before, but the ironing board is the place I relax," he told Bild newspaper on Wednesday, four days after beating American Chris Byrd for the International Boxing Federation heavyweight championship. "I love to iron," the 30-year-old Germany-based Ukrainian added. "The first thing I do whenever I get to a hotel is borrow an iron. No one else ever touches my shirts."


  Klitschko also said men should not worry about their looks. "My grandmother always told me: 'If you're a man, it's enough if you look a little bit better than an ape'.(文/蒋黎黎)



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