
新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 你在颐和园玩得怎么样

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/05/10 19:02  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  How was your day at the Summer Palace?


  A Hi! You look tired but happy! How was your day at the Summer Palace?

  A 你好!你看起来很累,但是很开心。你在颐和园玩得怎么样?

  B It was great. Lots of people, but not too crowded.

  B 好极了。人很多,但是不太拥挤。

  A That’s good. Sometimes in summer time, it can be really crowded and busy.

  A 那不错。夏季的时候,有时候颐和园非常拥挤、吵闹。

  B Well, today was fine. And it was lovely walking round the lake.

  B 哦,今天不错。在湖的四周散步真好。

  A Yes. It’s so nice there, with lovely views all round the lake.

  A 是的。那里真不错,湖四周的景致非常美。

  B Yes, very peaceful. A good break away from the traffic and pollution in the city!

  B 是的,非常宁静。可以远离城市的喧嚣和污染。

  Notes 注释

  1 Remember you can describe people’s appearances or feelings by using You look . . . / You look . . . e.g. You look tired. / You look tired; You look happy. / You look happy; You look good. / You look good.

  记住描述某人的外貌或者感情用You look . . . / 你看起来 . . . 例如: You look tired. / 你看起来很累; You look happy. / 你看起来很高兴; You look good. / 你看起来气色很好。

  2 When you are talking about the day you have just had, use the past tense, e.g. It was great. / It was great; It was lovely walking round the lake. / It was lovely walking round the lake.

  当你谈论你刚刚度过的一天时,用过去时态,例如:It was great. / 好极了; It was lovely walking round the lake. /在湖的四周散步真好。

  3 You can describe a walk in a park, or round a lake, or in the country in many ways, e.g. It was very peaceful. / It was very peaceful; It was very nice. / It was very nice.

  你可以用多种方法描述你在公园,或者围绕着湖水,或者在乡村散步,例如 : It was very peaceful. / 那里非常宁静; It was very nice. / 那里非常好。

Key phrases and sentences


Hi!  You look tired but happy!

How was your day at the Summer Palace?

It was great. 

Lots of people, but not too crowded.

That’s good.  Sometimes in

summertime, it can be really crowded and busy.

Well, today was fine. 

And it was lovely walking round the lake.

Yes.  It’s so nice there, with lovely

views all round the lake.

Yes, very peaceful. 

A good break away from the traffic and pollution in the city!
















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