新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 导游10点将在大堂等你

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/05/29 20:04  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  The guide will meet you in the lobby at 10.


  A Hello! We’ve booked a tour of the Hutongs tomorrow with a guide.

  A 你好!我们已经预订了明天去胡同旅游,有导游。

  B Yes. And how can I help you?

  B 是的。您需要什么帮助?

  A We’re expecting to meet the guide first, but we’re not sure of the time.

  A 我们期望先和导游见见面,但是我们不确定见面的时间。

  B OK. Let me check.

  B 好的。让我看一下。

  A Thanks. It’s just that we don’t want to be late.

  A 谢谢。我们只是不想迟到。

  B Here are the details. Your guide will meet you in the hotel lobby at 10 am tomorrow morning. Her name is Ping.

  B 这里有详细的安排。你们的导游明天上午10点将在旅馆大堂和你们见面。她的名字叫平。

  Notes 注释

  1 If you are not sure of something, you can say: I’m not sure . . . / I’m not sure . . . e.g. We’re not sure of the time. / We’re not sure of the time; We’re not sure about going. / We’re not sure about going; We’re not sure if the shop is open. / We’re not sure if the shop is open.

  如果你对某事不确定,你可以说:I’m not sure . . . / 我不确定 . . . 例如: We’re not sure of the time. /我们对时间不确定; We’re not sure about going. / 我们对走的事不确定; We’re not sure if the shop is open. / 我们不确定商店是否开门。


Key phrases and sentences


Hello!  We’ve booked a tour of the

Hutongs tomorrow with a guide.

Yes. And how can I help you?

We’re expecting to meet the guide first, but we’re not sure of the time.

OK.  Let me check.

Thanks.  It’s just that we don’t want to be late.

Here are the details. 

Your guide will meet you in the hotel lobby at 10 am tomorrow morning. 

Her name is Ping.















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