罗马古代墓穴出土一具保存完好女性骸骨 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/06/05 19:28 国际在线 |
意大利考古学家5月30日表示,他们在罗马中心区域的一个古代墓地中发现了一具女性骸骨。其历史可以追溯至公元前10世纪。 Archaeologists say they have dug up a woman skeleton dating to the 10th century B.C. in an ancient necropolis in the heart of Rome. 这具遗骸是在位于罗马市中心的凯撒广场下的一个古代墓穴中发掘出来的。安娜·德桑蒂斯是参与此次发掘工作的考古学家之一,她说,这具保存完好的骸骨看起来应该属于一名30岁左右的女性。 The well-preserved skeleton appears to be that of a woman aged about 30, said archaeologist Anna De Santis, who took part in the excavations under the Caesar's Forum, part of the sprawling complex of the Imperial Forums in central Rome. 德桑蒂斯还介绍说,他们还在这具5.25英尺长的遗骸附近发现了一条琥珀项链和4枚饰针。这具遗骸是于29日被挖掘出来的,在经过进一步检测之后,可能将被放入博物馆进行展览。 An amber necklace and four pins also were found near the 5-foot-3-inch-long skeleton, she said Tuesday. The bones, dug up Monday, would likely be put on display in a museum after being examined further, De Santis said. 德桑蒂斯说,这是这个有3000年历史的墓地中发现的首具人类骸骨。在今年早些时候,在该墓地的其中一个墓穴里还发现了一个装有人类骨灰的骨灰缸和一些看似是羊的骨骼碎片。 It was the first skeleton to be found in the 3,000-year-old necropolis, she said. Early this year, a funerary urn that contained human ashes, as well as bone fragments that appeared to be from a sheep, were found in one of the necropolis' tombs. 参与发掘工作的另外一位考古学家还表示,这一发现说明了生活在该地区的古罗马人殡葬习惯的“社会变迁”,从将尸体火化到直接埋葬死者。有关专家还表示,这个墓地埋葬的都是一些地位较高的人物——如战士和古代的牧师等。 Alessandro Delfino, another archaeologist who took part in the excavations, said Monday's discovery highlighted a "social change" in the funerary habits of the people who dwelled in the area, from incinerating to burying the dead. Experts have said the necropolis was destined for high-ranking personalities — such as warriors and ancient priests.(文/王高山) |
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