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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/06/12 19:30  国际在线


  Germany had to come from 2-0 down to earn a 2-2 draw against Japan in their World Cup warm-up match in Leverkusen. The World Cup hosts found themselves two goals behind after Naohiro Takahara scored twice to put Japan in charge.


  "It was hard, we are in the middle of preparations and it showed - our legs were tired. This is normal, we still have 10 days and the main thing is we came back," said Germany captain Ballack.


  Japan's Brazilian coach Zico looked to have his side in great order and was happy with the performance.


  "We developed our game very well and we led and that was very good, and we could have won," said Zico.

  "We played many quick passes and had many chances and we could have scored more. We are at a good stage."


  Germany plays Colombia on Friday in Moenchengladbach in its final test before the World Cup, while Japan will be buoyed by a good display, as they prepare to face Brazil, Australia and Croatia in a tough World Cup group.(文/张海山 )



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