新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 我29日回来

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/06/12 19:33  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  I will return on the 29th.


  A I’ll go back to London with her, but I’ll be back in Beijing pretty soon.

  A 我将和她一起回伦敦,但是我很快会再回北京。

  B How long will you be away?

  B 你要离开多长时间?

  A Back in London? About ten or eleven days. Less than two weeks.

  A 回伦敦吗?大约10天或者11天。不超过两周。

  B So when are you back exactly?

  B 那么你确切哪天回来?

  A I will return on the 29th.

  A 我29日回来。

  B Oh, that’s not long.

  B 哦,时间不长。

  Notes 注释

  1 You can use the word back / back in various ways when you talk about coming and going to places, e.g. I’ll go back to London with her / I’ll go back to London with her; I’ll be back in Beijing soon / I’ll be back in Beijing soon; I will come back to the hotel this evening / I will come back to the hotel this evening. To come back / come back or go back / go back means to return / to return.

  当你在谈论去某地或者从某地返回时,你可以使用单词back /回来的多种用法,例如I’ll go back to London with her / 我将和她一起回伦敦: I’ll be back in Beijing soon / 我很快就回北京: I will come back to the hotel this evening / 我今晚将回旅馆。 To come back / 回来 go back / 回去意思是 to return / 返回。

  2 Remember the way of using numbers, especially for dates:


  - 21st: twenty-first / 21日26th: twenty-sixth / 26日

  - 22nd: twenty-second / 22日 27th: twenty-seventh / 27日

  - 23rd: twenty-third / 23日 28th: twenty-eighth / 28日

  - 24th: twenty-fourth / 24日 29th: twenty-ninth / 29日

  - 25th: twenty-fifth / 25日30th: thirtieth / 30日

Key phrases and sentences


I’ll go back to London with her, but I’ll be back in Beijing pretty soon.

How long will you be away?

Back in London?  

About ten or eleven days. 

Less than two weeks.

So when are you back exactly?

I will return on the 29th.

Oh, that’s not long.















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