新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 他们是加拿大人和美国人

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/07/20 18:42  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  They’re Canadians and Americans.


  A What about that group? They’re speaking English, aren’t they?

  A 那个旅游团呢?他们在讲英语,不是吗?

  B Yes. Let me try and listen to the accents.

  B 是的,让我试着听听他们的口音。

  A British? American? What do you think?

  A 是英国人?还是美国人?你怎么想?

  B Ah, they’re definitely North American – I think they’re Canadians and Americans.

  B 啊,他们当然是北美人——我想他们是加拿大人和美国人。

  A So many tourists!

  A 这么多的游客!

  B Well, China is really popular these days, especially with the Olympics coming.

  B 哦,现在中国的确非常受欢迎,尤其是奥林匹克运动会即将在这里召开。

  Notes 注释

  1 You can talk about the different accents / accents in a particular language to identify where people come from, e.g.: He’s got an American accent / He’s got an American accent; He’s from London – he has a London accent / He’s from London – he has a London accent; They’ve got Australian accents / They’ve got Australian accents.

  你可以谈论某种语言的不同accents /口音,以便于辨别讲话的是哪里人。例如:He’s got an American accent /他有北美口音;He’s from London – he has a London accent /他是伦敦人——他有伦敦口音;They’ve got Australian accents /他们有澳大利亚口音。

  2 You can talk about things in the future by using the phrase coming / coming, e.g.: Beijing is popular with the Olympics coming / Beijing is popular with the Olympics coming; The weather is getting better with the summer coming / The weather is getting better with the summer coming.

  你可以用coming /即将到来的来谈论将来要发生的事情。例如:Beijing is popular with the Olympics coming /北京非常受欢迎,因为奥林匹克运动会即将在这里召开;The weather is getting better with the summer coming /因为夏季要到来,所以天气变得越来越好。

Key phrases and sentences


What about that group? 

They’re speaking English, aren’t they?

Yes.  Let me try and listen to the accents.

British?  American?  What do you


Ah, they’re definitely North American – I think they’re Canadians and Americans.

So many tourists!

Well, China is really popular these days, especially with the Olympics coming.


















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