
新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 国际在线 > 法国奢侈婚礼撒钞票庆贺引发小镇公愤

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/08/02 18:24  国际在线

  PARIS (Reuters) - A lavish wedding where newly-weds were sprinkled with shredded euro-note confetti has provoked outrage in a French town, a newspaper reported on Tuesday.


  Liberation said angry locals in the southern town of Sete scrambled on the ground to scrape up the bits of 5, 10, 20 and 50 euro notes scattered at the July 8 nuptials.


  "People chucking money away in the street for everyone to see!" said Frederic, a resident quoted by the newspaper.


  Around 200 people attended the ceremony, which included a firework display estimated to have cost 40,000 euros ($51,000), the paper said. The bride was the daughter of a local businessmen who made his money in textiles.


  Townspeople lodged a complaint with police since destroying bank notes is a crime in France. Police and a spokesman at the town hall where the couple were married declined to comment.




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