新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 你好!这是我的朋友李

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/08/09 19:48  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  Hi! This is my friend Li.


  A Hi! This is my friend Li.

  A 你好!这是我的朋友李。

  B Hi Li. How are you doing? It’s good to meet you.

  B 你好,李!你好吗?很高兴见到你。

  A I’m fine, thanks. What are you guys up to?

  A 我很好,谢谢。你们哥儿几个在干什么?

  B We’re going for a beer. Want to join us?

  B 我们去喝啤酒。愿意一起去吗?

  A Cool. That sounds good. Where are you going?

  A 好啊!听起来不错。你们打算去哪儿?

  B Up to Houhai. We’ll find a bar – there’s lots of them.

  B 去后海。 我们得找一家酒吧——那儿有很多。

  A Great. I could do with a beer.

  A 好极了。我可以喝一杯。

  Notes 注释

  1 There are lots of ways of greeting in English which can be used in both formal and informal situations, e.g.How are you doing? / How are you doing?

  在英语当中有很多问候语,既可以用在正式的场合,也可以用在非正式的场合。例如:How are you doing? /你好吗?

  2 It is very informal to use guys / guys,e.g. What are you guys up to? / What are you guys up to? (What are you doing? / What are you doing?)

  guys /哥儿几个是非正式的用语。例如:What are you guys up to? /你们哥儿几个在干什么?(What are you doing? /你们在做什么?)

  3 You can invite someone to come with you informally by saying Would you like to join us? / Would you like to join us? : Want to join us? / Want to join us?

  你可以通过使用下面的非正式用语来邀请某人和你同行:Would you like to join us? /你愿意加入我们吗?Want to join us? /想加入我们吗?

  4 Cool / Cool simply means good / good or great / great and is a common word of approval.

  Cool /酷意思就是good /好或者great /好极了,这是表示同意的常用语。

Key phrases and sentences


Hi!  This is my friend Li.

Hi Li.  How are you doing? 

It’s good to meet you.

I’m fine, thanks. 

What are you guys up to?

We’re going for a beer. 

Want to join us?

Cool.  That sounds good. 

Where are you going?

Up to Houhai.  We’ll find a bar – there’s lots of them.

Great.  I could do with a beer. 















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