魔术师大卫-科波菲尔称发现“不老泉”(图) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/08/17 17:06 国际在线 |
魔术师大卫-科波菲尔称发现“不老泉” MIAMI (Reuters) - Master illusionist David Copperfield says he has found the "Fountain of Youth" in the southern Bahamas, amid a cluster of four tiny islands he recently bought for $50 million. 风靡世界的美国魔术大师大卫-科波菲尔声称,他在巴哈马群岛南部最近花5000万美元购买的4座小岛上发现了“不老泉”。 One of his islands is a private resort that rents for up to $300,000 a week and the other islands serve as buffers to keep prying eyes away from celebrity guests on the white sand beaches. 科波菲尔购买的这些岛中有一座是私人度假胜地,每周租金高达30万美元。而其他3座小岛则属于“卫星岛”,用于保护这位传奇魔术师的隐私不受外界侵犯。 Copperfield insists his archipelago also contains the legendary waters that bestow perpetual youth. 科波菲尔坚称,他的群岛上有那种可以让人青春永驻的传说中的“不老泉”。 "I've discovered a true phenomenon," he told Reuters in a telephone interview. "You can take dead leaves, they come in contact with the water, they become full of life again. ... Bugs or insects that are near death, come in contact with the water, they'll fly away. It's an amazing thing, very, very exciting." 他说:“我发现一种真实的现象,当你将几片枯死的叶子放入泉水时,它们很快与水融为一体,然后重新焕发出生命活力。而当把奄奄一息的昆虫浸入水中,它们会振翅而飞。这种情景简直太奇妙了,令人兴奋不已!” Copperfield, who turns 50 next month, said he had hired biologists and geologists to examine its potential effect on humans but he's not inviting visitors to swim in or drink from it just yet. 下月即将年满50岁的科波菲尔表示,他已经聘请了生物学家和地质学家对“不老泉”可能存在的对人类的作用进行检测,但他目前不会邀请客人在泉中游泳或饮泉水。(文/蒋黎黎) |
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