新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 10月份我要去度假

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/09/06 19:59  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  I’m going on holiday in October.


  A What will you do in the October break this year?

  A 今年“十一”长假你要做什么?

  B I’m not sure. I’d like to go to Hong Kong. But I’ve made no plans yet. What about you?

  B 还没定。我想去香港。但是我还没有计划。你呢?

  A I’m going on holiday in October. I’m going to go back to Nanjing for a week.

  A 10月份我要去度假。我要回南京一 周。

  B That will be good. Will you see your family and friends?

  B 不错。你去看你的家人和朋友吗?

  A Yes, it will be a good chance to see everybody again.

  A 是的,这是再次看望大家的好机会。

  B Well, maybe I’ll book a ticket to Hong Kong for a few days.

  B 哦,也许我会订张票,去香港玩几天。

  Notes 注释

  1 Remember how to express a future wish or a desire using I would like / I would like (or the shorter form I’d like . . . / I’d like . . .) e.g. I’d like to go to Hong Kong / I’d like to go to Hong Kong.

  记住怎样用I would like / 我想 (或者它的缩写形式 I’d like . . . / 我想 . . .)表达对将来的希望或者愿望。例如I’d like to go to Hong Kong/我想去香港。

  2 You can use simple questions to ask about the future, beginning What will . . . ? / What will . . . ? e.g. What will you do in the October break this year? / What will you do in the October break this year? : What will you do at the weekend? / What will you do at the weekend?

  你可以用以What will . . . ? / 将做 . . . ?开头的简单的问句来询问将来的事情。例如:What will you do in the October break this year? /今年“十一”长假你要做什么? : What will you do at the weekend? /这个周末你要做什么?

Key phrases and sentences


What will you do in the October break this year?

I’m not sure. 

I’d like to go to Hong Kong. 

But I’ve made no plans yet. 

What about you?

I’m going on holiday in October. 

I’m going to go back to Nanjing for a week.

That will be good. 

Will you see your family and friends?

Yes, it will be a good chance to see everybody again.

Well, maybe I’ll book a ticket to Hong Kong for a few days.











我要回南京一 周。










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