新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 在奥运会召开期间北京将非常热闹

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/09/13 19:45  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  Beijing will be so busy during the Olympics.


  A There will be thousands and thousands of people in Beijing for the Olympics.

  A 将有成千上万的人来北京观看奥运会。

  B I know. Beijing will be so busy during the Olympics. Everywhere will be crowded.

  B 我知道。在奥运会召开期间北京将非常热闹。到处都将很拥挤。

  A I guess so. There’ll be lots and lots of tourists from all over the world.

  A 我想是这样。将有许许多多来自世界各地的游客。

  B And it’s not only the Olympics gyms– everywhere will be crowded. The shops, the streets, the hotels, and the restaurants.

  B 不仅奥运会场将很拥挤——到处都将很拥挤。商店、街道、旅馆,还有餐馆。

  A I know. I guess the traffic could be really heavy.

  A 我知道。我想交通可能非常拥挤。

  B At least it’s going to be a really exciting time!

  B 至少那将是一个非常激动人心的时刻!

  Notes 注释

  1 You can talk about the size of crowds by using hundreds / hundreds or thousands / thousands (or even millions / millions) e.g.: There will be thousands watching the race / There will be thousands watching the race; Millions will watch it on TV / Millions will watch it on TV.

  你可以用hundreds /数百或者thousands / 数千(或者甚至millions /上百万)来谈论人数的多少。例如:There will be thousands watching the race / 将有数千人观看赛跑; Millions will watch it on TV /数百万人将通过电视观看比赛。

  2 There are various ways to describe somewhere full of people, e.g. busy / busy; crowded / crowded; Everywhere in Beijing will be crowded / Everywhere in Beijing will b e crowded.

  有多种方法描述某处人很多。例如busy /热闹;crowded / 拥挤; Everywhere in Beijing will be crowded /北京到处都将很拥挤。

  3 Remember also the way you can describe traffic, e.g. The traffic could be really heavy / The traffic could be really heavy.

  记住你可以这样描述交通状况。例如:The traffic could be really heavy /交通可能非常拥挤。

Key phrases and sentences


There will be thousands and thousands of people in Beijing for the Olympics.

I know.  Beijing will be so busy during the Olympics. 

Everywhere will be crowded.

I guess so.  There’ll be lots and lots of tourists from all over the world.

And it’s not only the Olympics gyms – everywhere will be crowded. 

The shops, the streets, the hotels, and the restaurants.

I know.  I guess the traffic could be

really heavy.

At least it’s going to be a really exciting time!



















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