新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 我更喜欢体操

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/09/11 21:26  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  I prefer the gymnastics.


  A I think I prefer the indoor events.

  A 我想我更喜欢室内项目。

  B You mean like gymnastics, weight-lifting and so on – things like that?

  B 你是说像体操、举重等之类的项目?

  A Yes, I prefer gymnastics to athletics. It’s so beautiful to watch. The gymnasts have so much control and discipline.

  A 是的, 跟田径项目比起来我更喜欢体操。体操看起来是那么优美。体操运动员有如此强的控制和协调能力。

  B I know what you mean. I like it too – and the other indoor sports. I like watching the weight-lifting and I like the judo and boxing.

  B 我明白你的意思。我也喜欢体操——还有其他的室内运动。我喜欢看举重,我还喜欢柔道和拳击。

  A I’m not so keen on the fighting, like judo and boxing, but I don’t mind the fencing.

  A 我不太喜欢像柔道和拳击这样的打斗项目,但是我不介意击剑。

  B Yes, that’s good. It’s really fast and exciting.

  B 是的,击剑很好。非常迅速、激烈。

  Notes 注释

  1 Remember prefer / prefer if you like something more than another thing, e.g. I prefer the indoor events to the athletics events / I prefer the indoor events to the athletics events ; I prefer gymnastics to running / I prefer gymnastics to running.

  记住当你喜欢某物胜于另一物时用prefer /更喜欢,例如I prefer the indoor events to the athletics events /跟田径项目比起来我更喜欢室内比赛项目; I prefer gymnastics to running /跟赛跑比起来我更喜欢体操。

  2 If you agree with someone, you can respond to their statement by using too / too, e.g. I like it too / I like it too; Me too / Me too.

  如果你同意某人的意见,你可以用too /也太回应他的话。例如:I like it too / 我也喜欢; Me too /我也是。

  3 If you want to say that you don’t really like something very much, or as much as another thing, you can say I’m not so keen on . . . / I’m not so keen on . . . e.g.: I’m not so keen on swimming / I’m not so keen on swimming; I prefer gymnastics/ I prefer gymnastics.

  如果你想说你不太喜欢某事,或者不像喜欢另一事物那样喜欢它,你可以说I’m not so keen on . . . /我不太喜欢. . .例如:I’m not so keen on swimming /我不太喜欢游泳;I prefer gymnastics/我更喜欢体操。

Key phrases and sentences


I think I prefer the indoor events.

You mean like gymnastics, weight-

lifting and so on – things like that?

Yes, I prefer gymnastics to athletics. 

It’s so beautiful to watch. 

The gymnasts have so much control and discipline.

I know what you mean. 

I like it too – and the other indoor


I like watching the weight-lifting and I like the judo and boxing.

I’m not so keen on the fighting, like judo and boxing, but I don’t mind the fencing.

Yes, that’s good. 

It’s really fast and exciting.





是的, 跟田径项目比起来我更喜欢体操。体操看起来是那么优美。
















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