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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/10/08 17:59  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  It’s a good way to earn extra money.


  A What’s it like working in the restaurant?

  A 在餐馆工作怎么样?

  B It’s OK. It’s in a restaurant in one of the big hotels.

  B 还行。我在一家大旅馆的餐厅里工作。

  A That sounds quite good. Is it hard work?

  A 听起来相当不错。工作累吗?

  B Well, it depends if the restaurant is very busy. But I enjoy it. I like seeing lots of different people all the time.

  B 哦,这取决于客人是不是很多。但是我喜欢这份工作。我总是喜欢看到不同的人。

  A Yes, I suppose a hotel restaurant must be a quite good place to work.

  A 是的,我想旅馆里的餐馆是工作的好地方。

  B Yes, it is. And it’s a good way for me to earn extra money.

  B 是的,是这样。而且这还是我额外挣钱的好方法。

  Notes 注释

  1 If you want to ask someone to describe their experience of something, you can use What’s it like? / What’s it like? e.g. What’s it like working in a restaurant? / What’s it like working in a restaurant?; What’s it like living in New York? / What’s it like living in New York?

  如果你想请某人描述他的某个经历,你可以用What’s it like? /那怎么样?例如What’s it like working in a restaurant? /在餐馆工作怎么样?; What’s it like living in New York? /住在纽约怎么样?

  2 You can use It depends . . . / It depends when you are not certain about something, e.g. I may come tomorrow: it depends on the weather / I may come tomorrow: it depends on the weather; The work can be hard: it depends on how busy it is / The work can be hard: it depends on how busy it is.

  当你对某事不太确定的时候用It depends . . . /它取决于. . . 例如:I may come tomorrow: it depends on the weather /我明天可能会来:这取决于天气情况;The work can be hard: it depends on how busy it is / 工作可能很辛苦:这取决于繁忙与否。

  3To earn money / To earn money: we use earn / earn when we talk about the money we earn at work.

  To earn money /挣钱:当我们谈论我们通过工作挣钱时我们用earn /挣。

Key phrases and sentences


What’s it like working in the restaurant?

It’s OK.  It’s in a restaurant in one of the big hotels.

That sounds quite good. 

Is it hard work?

Well, it depends if the restaurant is very busy. 

But I enjoy it. 

I like seeing lots of different people all the time.

Yes, I suppose a hotel restaurant must be a quite good place to work.

Yes, it is.  And it’s a good way for me to earn extra money.





















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