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Interesting Experience in Guangdong
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/10/31 21:46  英语周报大学版

  ---From Brazilian sisters' eyes

  If you look for a comfortable, happy, interesting, and with a good entertainment place, you just need to take a look at the map. In a very short time you will find a city in it named "Huizhou", which is located to the east part of Guangzhou.

  Going to Huizhou from Guangzhou by car takes less than two hours. Huizhou is an extremely welcome city and it also offers excellent services with very accessible prices for everything you might need during your visit.

  Huizhou, with so many attractive services, welcome people from different races who end up getting very interested in knowing better about this friendly and receptive city. Therefore, youth British students, from ages 16 to 24, took a chance to come to this place with the objective to learn something about the local culture, customs, and also about their economy; and who knows in the future, developing a business between both countries - China and UK.

  In a period of 2 hours the British youth met the students from Huizhou, who exchanged informations about their experiences of life. To welcome the British Students, Huizhou middle school graduates were chosen by the grades they had during the whole year of English exams. The best grades showed who were the best students of the middle school, and that meant having the honor to meet the group that came from England.

  The British students not only had the chance to learn something about the local culture and their style of life, but also had a great opportunity to go to a very known company in China called TCL. Adding to their fantastic program, they also had 4 hours of Kung-Fu Class which was taught by a very capable, patient, and excellent professional. Most of them were beginners in this sport but they knew how to deal with it. They are preparing themselves to do a brief presentation during a party which is gonna be occuring on the 21st of July, and it will be organized by the Huizhou Government.

  Kung-Fu was originated in China and it's very appreciated by thousands of people from all over the world. It mixes Tai Ji Chuan and other martial arts movements. It requires hability, patient, and a total balance between body and mind. Due to of varies positive results, the number of people that get more interested in joining this sport grows every minute.

  Do you want to know more about this sport? Just take a look on the streets of China. There are many elderly practicing this interesting sport without getting bothered if there is someone looking at them or not. Elderly is a synonym of knowledgement and wisdom. They live their lives on the best way possible; that's why their type of life is not only healthy but also very interesting.

  Dim Sum is considered one of the oriental specialties and it's appreciated not only in China but also in many other continents. It's a register mark in China which is taken from Chinese natives to the other part of the world. There are patriarcs who look for developed countries such as USA, England, Australia, Canada, and others, to have a new and a better future. Most of them build their families in a country where they chose to live at.

  One of the most delicious items of Dim Sum is the famous "jiaozi", which is called "dumplings" in Western countries. Dumplings can be made in diverse styles such as using vegetables, red and white meats. It takes only 30 minutes to be done. The prices varies from the local to local, and also according to the ingredients that are gonna be used during the process of making this delicious chinese meal.

  Continuing to follow the itinerary, the whole group visited a city named "Zhong Shan". After 3 hours of trip we were welcomed by FuJinXing Seasoning Factory Co. Ltd. With a such spetacular reception there were no reason not to be interested in what they had to show us.

  Zhong Shan is a truly promising city. Its economy is growing tremendously. To reinforce this statement there are many constructions on that marvelous place. Also, entertainment parks for tourists, and consequently, bunch of new projects for a potential new attractions are ready to be built .

  FuJinXing Seasoning Factory Co. Ltd. is a company headquartered in Guangzhou. They not only work with the local, but also with the external market. If we talk about the external market the most important one is concentrated in Asia. However there are some Western countries such as USA, Canada, Australia, and England that have a big participation as buyers into the FuJinXing's commerce.

  In China there are many types of people, customs, and behaviors. It depends on where you go and who you are dealing with. On the 6th day, we spent a day by visiting a village concentrated on the west part of Guangdong Province. That place concentrates unwealthy families who share a small house with a bunch of individuals. Simple, honest, and totally humble, those people were willing to show their houses to the group. Without knowing exactly what was going on, the children brought big smiles to many of us. Despite the fact that they were not living with a decent and a good quality of life, they seemed to enjoy their life.

  After having almost a week of cooking class, the day of that class competition came along. All group had to prepare a dish to show what they learnt during the time they spent in Huizhou. The competition ended up very interesting; all youth British students were very competitive and anxious to win this interesting competition. The jury was very surprised with how the dishes came out because it seemed that all food were prepared by professionals and not by only students. The jury considered the best cut and the best seasoning. There were three juries, the chief, and 2 assistants. During the final decision the jury decided that 2 groups deserved to win. There were 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.

  Huizhou Government offered a party to the students. There was a photogtaph of many culture coming from many part of different countries. Children and adults mixed together during this fabulous event. There were presenting diverses groups which were formed by people coming from England, USA, Africa, China, and Brazil.

  There was happiness, big emotions, and lots of fun between the public and the stage. You just needed to look at the kids' eyes; they were totally into the party. There was a shiny look on their faces. Huizhou citizens were waiting for the visitors and they were welcomed by the Government who offered a delicious dinner and a hostage event.



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