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The Internationl Olympic Committee
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/10/31 22:11  英语周报大学版

  The International Olympic Committee (IOC) was founded on 23 June 1894 by the French educator Baron Pierre de Coubertin who was inspired to revive (复兴) the Olympic Games of Greek antiquity. The IOC is an international non-governmental, non-profit organization and the creator of the Olympic Movement. The IOC exists to serve as an umbrella organization of the Olympic Movement. The mission of the IOC is to lead the Olympic Movement in accordance with the Olympic Charter. Its primary responsibility is to supervise the organization of the summer and winter Olympic Games. All rights to the Olympic symbols, flag, motto, anthem and Olympic Games are owned by the IOC.

  The Session is a general meeting of the members of the IOC, held at least once a year. It is the supreme organ of the IOC. It adopts, modifies and interprets the Olympic Charter. Its decisions are final. Upon proposal of the Executive Board(执行委员会), it elects the members of the IOC.

  The Executive Board consists of the President, four Vice-Presidents and ten additional members. It manages the affairs of the IOC, and holds periodic meetings with the international federations and National Olympic Committees.

  The IOC President is elected by the IOC members by secret ballot(无记名投票)for an initial term of eight years, renewable once for four additional years. The President presides(主持 )over all activities of the IOC, acting as its permanent representative.

  The official languages of the IOC are French and English. The IOC is entirely financed by private means and distributes throughout the Olympic Movement about 93% of the funds it generates. The IOC receives no public funding. It derives its revenues(收入来源) from the sale of television rights for broadcasting of the Olympic Games and from marketing programs.

  provided by Huang XueUng



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