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Tennis loses a shining star
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/10/31 23:13  英语周报大学版


  Tennis loses a shining star

  By Geoff Lemon

  A dialogue between tennis fans Stanley and Mo.

  Mo: So. Stanley, Agassi is out!

  Stanley: What?

  Mo: Agassi! He’s retired.

  Stanley: You’re kidding? Why, the guy can’t be more than... um... er...

  Mo: He’s heading towards the big Four-Oh! Stanley. Our boy is 36.

  Stanley: Is that right? Let me see. Oh yeah... he is looking pretty tired come to think of it.

  Mo: Well you know, we’ve been watching him for quite a few years now.

  Stanley: How about that? Agassi gone! He is one of the greatest. But to tell you the truth… I didn’t care much for him when he first hit the scene.

  Mo: Why not?

  Stanley: Well he was good and all that, but I felt that he was kind of brash.

  Mo: I think I know what you mean. All these young guys... I mean, look at that Leyton Hewitt... they all make a lot of noise when they start to hit the big-time. They just need to learn how to act; how to behave. It’s not as if they are “groomed” to be super tennis aces.

  Stanley: You’re absolutely right Mo. But I’ve got to say that Agassi guy really grew on me. The guy has a lot of class.

  Mo: Sure — a true gentleman. But he’s been a world-beater for so long now, and it seems that all that competition at the elite level is causing some health problems.

  Stanley: So true. I don’t think I’ve seen him play a match lately when the commentators don’t make some remark about some back injury or ankles or something.

  Mo: Did you ever play?

  Stanley: No way. Basketball at high school ruined my knees. I can’t run around all day like these young guys.

  Mo: Stanley, Agassi is only five years younger than you!

  Stanley: Yeah. well the boy has talent for sure. Just look at his life. Flies around the world going from tournament to tournament, staying in 5-star hotels and being treated like royalty everywhere he goes. That’s got to be tough!

  Mo: Ha ha. yeah. I bet you wish your life was so tough.

  Stanley: Well I could develop a taste for Champagne and caviar. Hey, I wonder what kind of income he is on.

  Mo: Let me see. let’s start with a one and start adding zeroes. Hee hee.

  Stanley: I don’t suppose he will have to work for a while anyway.

  Mo: From the sound of his last interview, work is not on the agenda just yet. He says he just wants to spend some time with the wife and kids — he married Stefi Graf you remember.

  Stanley: Oh that’s right. She was a stunner too and another great tennis star. I guess he’s to blame for taking her off the tennis circuit!

  Mo: Give the guy a break; they’re both entitled to their personal lives - out of the limelight.

  Stanley: Just kidding. Anyway I’m sure this is not the last we’ll see of Mr. Agassi.

  Mo: Sure — he’s bound to have a terrific career as a sports commentator or a tennis coach.

  Stanley: I bet he’d be great as a motivational speaker.

  Mo: Well that’s one guy I would pay to go and see, that’s for sure!



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