新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 我怎样开通一个网上帐户

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/11/08 21:26  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  How do I open a hotmail account?


  A Look – there’s an internet café. Let’s go and check it out.

  A 看——那里有一个网吧。咱们去那里看看。

  B Good idea. We can send some e-mails and check the internet.

  B 好主意。我们可以发送电子邮件,还可以上网查资料。

  A How do I open a hotmail account?

  A 我怎样开通一个hotmail帐户?

  B It’s easy. You just need to log on to the hotmail site and register.

  B 很容易。你只需登录hotmail网页,然后注册。

  A Is that all? Don’t I need a hotmail address?

  A 就这些吗?我不需要一个hotmail地址吗?

  B Yes, but you can create your address and your password when you register.

  B 是的,但是在你注册的时候你可以创建一个自己的地址和密码。

  Notes 注释

  1 Usually when you open an e-mail account (and also on some websites) or you work on a computer, we say you log on / log on, e.g. You need to log on / You need to log on. This is usually done with your name or password.

  通常当你打开电子邮件帐户的时候(有时在打开某个网站时)或者当你在使用电脑时,我们说你要log on /登录。例如:You need to log on /你需要登录。这通常需要你的姓名和密码。

  2 Remember address / address when you talk about e-mail, e.g. hotmail address / hotmail address; e-mail address / e-mail address.

  记住当你谈论电子邮件时要使用的词语address /地址。例如hotmail address / hotmail地址;e-mail address /电子邮件地址。

  3 To open an account / to open an account or to start an account / to start an account: you can use this when you start an e-mail account and also when you start an account in a bank, e.g. I should open an account in the Bank of China / I should open account in the Bank of China.

  To open an account /开通一个帐户或者to start an account /开通一个帐户:当你开通一个电子邮件帐户以及当你在银行开户的时候使用这两个短语。例如I should open an account in the Bank of China /我应该在中行开一个帐户。

Key phrases and sentences


Look – there’s an internet café. 

Let’s go and check it out.

Good idea.  We can send some e-mails and check the internet.

How do I open a hotmail account?

It’s easy.  You just need to log on to the hotmail site and register.

Is that all? 

Don’t I need a hotmail address?

Yes, but you can create your address and your password when you register.

Don’t worry.
















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