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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/11/03 19:58  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  Can I book the tickets online?


  A Do you know when you want to fly to Shanghai?

  A 你知道你什么时候想飞往上海吗?

  B Not yet, but I’ll decide when I’ve checked everything on the website.

  B 还不知道,但是当我在网上查完的时候我就将做出决定。

  A Well, when you have decided, then you can book your tickets.

  A 哦,当你做出决定以后你就可以订票了。

  B Can I book the tickets online? Is that possible?

  B 我能在网上订票吗?可能吗?

  A Yes, I think so. It depends on the airline. And you’ll need a credit card.

  A 是的,我想可以。这取决于航空公司。你还需要一张信用卡。

  B OK, I’ll try. Hopefully, I can do everything online.

  B 好的,我试一试。但愿一切我都能在网上完成。

  Notes 注释

  1 Remember how to use the verb depend / depend (usually with on/on or if / if) e.g.: I might go shopping on Saturday- it depends on the weather / I might go shopping on Saturday- it depends on the weather; It depends if the flight arrives on time / It depends if the flight arrives on time.

  记住怎样使用动词depend /取决于(通常和on或者 if 一起使用)例如:I might go shopping on Saturday- it depends on the weather /我周六可能去购物——依天气而定;It depends if the flight arrives on time /这取决于航班是否能够准时到达。

  2 You can talk about booking something online / booking something online, e.g.: I will book the tickets online / I will book the tickets online.

  你可以谈论booking something online /在网上订购某物。例如:I will book the tickets online /我将在网上订票。

Key phrases and sentences


Do you know when you want to fly to Shanghai?

Not yet, but I’ll decide when I’ve

checked everything on the website.

Well, when you have decided, then you can book your tickets.

Can I book the tickets online? 

Is that possible?

Yes, I think so. 

It depends on the airline. And you’ll need a credit card.

Hopefully, I can do everything online.















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