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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/11/09 19:36  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  How much does it cost to use the internet?


  A I just want to use the internet for about half an hour.

  A 我只需上网大约半个小时。

  B The same for me. I need to check my e-mails and send some.

  B 我也是。我需要看一下我的电子邮件以及发送几封电子邮件。

  A How much does it cost to use the internet?

  A 上网需要多少钱?

  B It should be quite cheap. It usually depends on the time – how long you are online.

  B 应该很便宜。通常依时间而定——你上网的时间。

  A Well, let’s ask how much it costs. Half an hour is enough for me.

  A 哦,咱们问问需要多少钱。半小时对我足够了。

  B Yes, 30 minutes is fine for me too.

  B 是的,30分钟对我也够了。

  Notes 注释

  1 Remember depend on / depend on, e.g. The cost depends on the time / The cost depends on the time.

  记住depend on /取决于。例如The cost depends on the time /费用取决于时间的长短。

  2 If you want to ask the cost of something, very often you use the phrase or question How much . . . ? / How much . . .? e.g.: How much does it cost to use the internet? / How much does it cost to use the internet?

  如果你想问某事的费用,通常可以问这个短语或者问句How much . . . ? / . . .多少钱?例如:How much does it cost to use the internet? /上网需要多少钱?

  3 Remember enough / enough: Half an hour is enough time for me / Half an hour is enough time for me; I’m not hungry – I’ve eaten enough / I’m not hungry – I’ve eaten enough.

  记住enough /足够的:Half an hour is enough time for me / 半小时对我足够了;I’m not hungry – I’ve eaten enough /我不饿——我已经吃饱了。

Key phrases and sentences


I just want to use the internet for about half an hour.

The same for me. 

I need to check my e-mails and send some.

How much does it cost to use the


It should be quite cheap. 

It usually depends on the time – how long you are online.

Well, let’s ask how much it costs. 

Half an hour is enough for me.

Yes, 30 minutes is fine for me too.


















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