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Vancouver’s cross- cultural appeal
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/11/13 18:32  英语周报大学版

Vancouver’s cross- cultural appeal

  Vancouver’s cross- cultural appeal

  By Anne Wallace Allen 秦毅忠 译

  [1]Shake the raindrops off your umbrella, escape into a restaurant in this Pacific Coast city, and be prepared to sample food from around the world.

  [2]With half its population foreign born, Vancouver is one of the most ethnically mixed cities in North America, and it shows in the local restaurant scene. Small family eateries and cafes owned by immigrants are plentiful, and it’s hard to come up with an international dish that’s not on a menu somewhere.

  [3]Depending on which local tourist official you ask, the city has the continent’s largest Chinatown, or its second-or third-largest after San Francisco and New York. Cheap, delicious meals can be had at noodle houses crammed with college students. Asian, especially Korean and Vietnamese grocery stores are common.

  [4]But food from other parts of the world is also easy to find, like the shrimp sandwiches at Halso Konditori, a Swedish bakery that serves lunch on Arbutus Street downtown.

  [5]There’s surprisingly cheap Singaporean and Malaysian food to be had at the well-known Hawker’s Delight — where you can get a filling meal for a little over $5. Then there’s the Tomahawk, an 80-year-old family business that serves up diner-type meals like eggs and hamburgers in log cabin surroundings, decorated by American Indian artifacts.

  Entrepreneurs of All Flavors

  [6]On the other end of the spectrum is Le Crocodile, a popular French restaurant where diners can enjoy braised rabbit leg. Urban Fare, a classy grocery store in the Yaletown district, offers decorated loaves of artisanal bread flown in twice a week from the famous Poilane bakery in Paris, for a whopping $85 apiece.

  [7]Three-quarters of Vancouver’s restaurants are independently owned and operated, according to Geoffrey Howes, who just stepped down as chairman of the British Columbia Restaurant and Food Services Association.

  [8]But while opening a restaurant is an achievable dream for many locals, all that competition from like-minded entrepreneurs can just as quickly drive them out of business if they don’t measure up.

  [9]“We also have some of the highest number of failures in Canada — 80 percent either don’t make money or actually fail in the first two years,” Howes said.

  Hop On a Water Taxi, Tour the City

  [10]The lively restaurant scene isn’t the only reason to come to Vancouver — there are plenty of other attractions. True, it rains a lot — about 45 inches a year — but it rarely pours. Rather it mists, it dribbles, it hangs overhead, bathing the harbor in a clear gray light, running off umbrellas in tiny little droplets. The temperature doesn’t usually dip below freezing, and that mild weather, combined with all the precipitation, keeps the city green year-round.

  [11]Every once in a while a weather phenomenon that locals call the “Pineapple Express1” wafts into town, carrying breezes so balmy that you can walk the waterfront without a coat in the coldest months. Restaurants have their outside tables set up in every season, and they’re usually occupied.

  [12]Even in the rain, visitors can ride a covered “boat taxi” between downtown and the Granville Island Public Market, where you’ll find vendors selling fresh farm produce and baked goods, ethnic food and crafts. The little water taxi, known as the Aquabus, seats perhaps a dozen people and delivers passengers to several destinations for a little over $5. Riders get a close view of False Creek, part of the harbor that extends well into the city, passing the barges, yachts and houseboats that float along the waterfront.

  [13]Some of the houseboats are offices, with large windows facing the water; some are little houses covered in clapboard, with window boxes. A few of the boats moored in the middle of the harbor look like they’ve been lived in for years. Sometimes a seal swims lazily past through the urban water landscape. Much of the waterfront is open to visitors, including a long walkway along the bay.

  [14]Stanley Park is another must-see. Established in 1888, the verdant 1,000-acre natural reserve is situated at the tip of the city and surrounded on three sides by water. Just a short drive from downtown, the park is at its most fragrant in spring, when the cherry trees, plum trees, azaleas and other ornamentals are blooming. But any time of year, the park has plenty to offer, with enormous cedar, hemlock and fir trees; a six -mile seawall; several monuments, including a mermaid on a rock; a large totem pole display; and a children’s railway.

  [15]The park is also home to the Vancouver Aquarium, which features a popular beluga whale show and a good cafeteria with coffee for footsore parents.

  [16]Vancouver is a friendly place, and that may be due in part to its diversity. “People have had to learn to find ways to live together,” said Baldwin Wong, who works for the city as a multicultural social planner.

  [17]But Vancouver would be very different had a proposal succeeded 40 years ago to extend what is now the trans-Canada highway through the city to the sea.

  [18]“They were going to ram it through the east side of Vancouver, through historic Chinatown, and do a big sort of typical American city thing,” said Bob McGilvray, an architect who worked for the city planning office for many years. Conservationists, planners, and Chinatown residents protested, and the plan was scrapped.

  [19]“The result: We don’t have these huge highways downtown which are just loud and a no-man’s-land,” said McGilvray.

  [20]Chinatown is now one of three designated historical districts in the city, and downtown Vancouver remains highway-free. It’s a place that’s fun to wander on foot — as long as you carry an umbrella.(The end)








  [5]在有名的“小贩乐翻天”饭店,你会发现,新加坡和马来西亚的饭菜便宜的惊人, 花上5美元多一点,就可以填饱肚子。还有“印第安战斧”,这是一家拥有80年历史的家族饭店,在四周装饰着美国印第安人手工艺品的小木屋里,你可以吃到诸如鸡蛋和汉堡包之类的经济型饭菜。





  [9]豪斯说:“这里还保持着加拿大饭店倒闭数量的最高记录——— 80%的饭店不是不赚钱就是实际上在开业的头两年里就倒闭了。”




  [12]即便是在下雨天,游客们也可以乘坐一种遮篷式的出租船往返于市区和格兰维尔岛公共市场之间。在格兰维尔岛公共市场,你会发现有许多小贩兜售新鲜的农产品、烤制食品、民族风味食品和各种手工艺品。这种以“水上巴士”著称的小型水上出租船大概只能乘坐12个人,每人花上5美元多一点便能被送往不同的景点。乘客们可以近距离地一睹“假溪”的美丽风光,“假溪”是港口的一部分。 港口一直延伸到城市里。游艇穿过驳船、游艇和漂浮在滨海区的住家船。








  [20]唐人街现在是温哥华市划定的三个历史区之一,温哥华市中心目前仍然没有任何干线公路通过。在这里徒步溜达令人愉快 ——— 只要你带上一把伞。



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