2007年09月07日 16:18 北京晚报
Aftera rip-roaring start with Joe Wright's Atonement,the British have found themselves rather upstagedattheVenicefilm festival by two American pictures about Iraq from Brian De Palma and Paul Haggis.Absolutely everyone,however,was upstaged by Ang Lee's new film Lust,Caution,a love story set in Japanese-occupiedChinain1942. 第64届威尼斯电影节以乔·怀特的《赎罪》喧嚣揭幕后,英国人发现,他们在电影节上的风头都被来自美国的布莱恩·德·帕尔玛和保罗·哈吉斯的两部伊拉克题材影片抢去了。然而李安新片《色·戒》无疑盖过了所有影片风头,它讲述的是一个1942年发生在日军占领下中国的爱情故事。 Thetwo Iraq pictures hadverydifferentvisionsof how the conflict has damaged the American psyche.De Palma's Redacted is a documentary telling the story of US soldiers who,in revenge for a sergeant killed by an IED ("improvised explosive device"),lead a retaliation raid to rape a 15-year-old girl.Haggis directs In the Valley of Elah,a thrilling crime procedural about a retired military policeman who starts his own investigation into the murder of hisson,asoldier back from Iraq andkilledoutsideaUS militarybase. 两部伊拉克题材影片从特殊的视角描写了战争对美国人精神的破坏。德·帕尔玛的纪录影片《节选修订》记录了一群美军士兵为给一名被IED(即时爆炸装置)炸死的中士报仇,而突袭强奸一个15岁伊拉克少女进行报复。哈吉斯的《决战以拉谷》讲述了一位退休职业军人,在他的儿子从伊拉克归来却在一个军事基地外被杀害后,自己展开调查的过程。 Sofar,the finest film still has to be Lee's,the film was set in the second world war about a Chinese resistanceagent,played by Wei Tang,whose mission is to seduce a collaborationist police chief (Tony Leung).Shebeginstofall in lovewith him. 目前为止最优秀的电影仍然是李安的《色·戒》,讲述了 二战时期一个抗日组织特工(汤唯饰),她的任务是引诱并除掉一名汉奸政府警察局长(梁朝伟饰),但却爱上了他的故事。
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