
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年11月27日 13:44   英语周报大学版



  ※As I approached the stream I saw a tall man hastening toward me beyond it.

  ※Once married, the church considers that a couple has signed up for a lifetime contrast.

  这两个句子的意思混淆,不合逻辑,原因是beyond it和once married这两个成分在句子中的位置不当。现在我们把它们改成如下形式:

  As I approached the stream, I saw a tall man beyond it hastening toward me.

  The church considers that a couple, once married, has signed for a lifetime contrast.




  I shall propose several sorts of formulations and propose that such sub-collection structures of terms are a resource in the sensitivity to topic of the selection of place formulations.

  --E. A. Schlegloff: Notes on a Conversational Practice

  从语法上讲in the sensitivity to topic完全可以省略,但句子所含的信息量会随之减少,而这一信息在交际中却是十分必要的。运用非连续成分我们不但不觉得句子罗嗦,而且还觉得行文精确,结构紧凑,言简意赅。再如:

  With the establishment during the last century and the flourishing during the present of a modern tradition in American literature, the authority of English opinion and usage has diminished.

  --A. Baugh et al: A History of the English Language

  显然,在这个句子中,非连续成分的运用与句子结构平衡有否无关,during the last century和during the present的运用主要是为了增加信息量,使信息更有效地传递。它们的运用并不给人冗赘的感觉,而是行文清晰精炼,结构严谨,语义表达确切严密。


  The only person beside the teacher who knew the matter was the monitor.

  在这个句子中,beside the teacher的位置会导致句子的意思产生歧义,因为who knew the matter可理解为修饰person,也可理解为修饰teacher,实际上beside the teacher是状语,应置句首:Beside the teacher the only person who knew the matter was the monitor.再如:

  Who is the man reading a newspaper next to the woman?

  该句中,next to the woman可理解为man的后置修饰语,也可理解为newspaper的后置修饰语,句子是歧义句,意思含糊不清。应该换一种含非连续成分的句子来表达:Who is the man next to the woman reading a newspaper? 这个句子没有歧义,非连续成分的运用使句子语义表达清楚,这才是非连续成分运用的目的之一。 (浙江:王益民)

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