
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月16日 13:55   新浪教育


  Host: Next is contestant No.2, Yan Yi. Welcome.

  Judge: My question for you is imagine you have to choose between two jobs. One has a high salary but you aren’t interested in it. The other is interesting, but the salary is low. Which will you choose?

  Yan Yi: Thanks for your question. My answer is first. I have to choose the interesting job but low pay. Because I think the most in choosing a job is that it can develop your potential. You can learn a lot from your job. You don’t have to care much about your salary, because you can find another job after doing this job. I think I should take a challenge. Just now you mentioned, a job, which is low pay, is very interesting. I think interest is the best teacher to guide your future. It’s very interesting for me and it’s also a challenge for me. I can develop my future and something like that. So I will choose the low pay job. Then I will learn a lot. Thank you.

  Host: Professor Johnson, please make some comments.

  Professor Johnson: This is a question forces you to make a choice, one or the other without your having been able to tell us about the factors how much difference there is in salary and how much difference there is in interests. And then makes it a very challenging question. You spoke as if you are thinking about in terms of interest. For yourself that is your own career advancement and you could choose other things later on. I might suggest you to consider other factors, not only interesting to you but what is the potential of that job. How much can you grow, how much can you serve and how much can you advance, and all of these kind of things. I realize the time is very short. Thanks very much.

  Host: The next one is contestant No.3. Let’s welcome her back.

  Judge: The question for you tonight is: It has been said that “Finding a good husband is better than finding a good job” (“做得好不如嫁得好”). Do you agree or disagree and why?

  Yan Tingting: Compare with finding a good job, I think finding a good husband is less important. Because I think as a girl, I should learn to be independent. Perhaps sometimes you can depend on your husband, perhaps he has some special background, he is very wealthy, but I don’t think it is very important. As a girl we should learn to support ourselves, because we are girls. If we cannot support ourselves, we cannot live on the planet. We can’t live a healthy and very good life on the earth. I want to say girls please find your own job. Don’t just depend on your husband. I don’t think men are very reliable. Thank you very much.

  Host: Maybe some of them will be very angry with that.

  Yan Tingting: I’m sorry. So many male judges are here.

  Host: Professor Gu, please say something about her performance.

  Professor Gu: First of all I feel disappointed. Your choice is better job than a husband. If I were a girl, I would really like your answer. On the whole, yes, I like your answer very much. I think you cope with this very hard question very well. The only bad thing is that you over took your time. You should spend your time in one minute, but you speak a little bit longer. I think you handle the question very much. But on the whole I think you handle the question very well.

  Host: The next one is contestant No.4 Xie Rui.

  Judge: I’ve got a question with a very good comment. People often say “ Personality determines fate”. What’s your opinion?

  Xie Rui: I believe that personality decide the fate. For example, my personality. I am a very optimistic person. I like smiling and that’s why I like collecting smiling face. That’s a doll. I believe that American people know it very well, because it’s a symbol of the warm heart of the supermarket. Why do I like smiling face, because it’s a symbol of my personalities? Smiling and optimistic. When I feel down, I will look at the smiling face, I will turn to be more happy, to be more brave to face the difficulty. What’s more, I remember, Helen Kaler said no matter what will happen tomorrow, face the difficulty, the happiness, the bad luck and the good luck. So I suppose that personality determine the fate. Thank you.

  Host: Professor Wang, please say something about her performance.

  Professor Wang : Thank you for your answering. Actually this is a very tough question. You are able to understand the question well. You are able to deal with it confidently. It’s very hard to answer the question within only one minute. People often say that good speech should be made like a girls skirt. Should be long enough to cover everything but short enough to cover everything. You are able to answer the question. Thank you.

  Host: Let’s move on to contestant No.5. Welcome back Sun Jingjiao.

  Judge: The Information Age has brought us many benefits. Do you think the distance between people is becoming closer or farther apart?

  Sun Jingjiao: I agree that information age brought us so many conveniences. I think the question whether people’s relationship is distant or nearer. Is totally depending on ourselves. As for me, I think I can benefit from this information technology, because you know my boyfriend is now in Sweden. Everyday we can use computer or welcome see each other and to talk with each other. I think although we live so distant from each other, we still feel very happy. I think that we still feel very close. But as for those people who just stay at home to watch TV, and don’t want to contact willingly with other people, it is them who make the distance between themselves and others. It is not the information technology that brought the distance between them. It is ourselves who make the decision whether to be near or distanced with other people. Thank you.

  Host: Professor Chen will make some comments.

  Professor Chen : First of all I’d like to say that thank you very much for your wonderful speech. But still I want to say that in your answer, it seems to me that you only answer half of the question. For the first half, it says that the information age has brought us many benefits, but you didn’t give us many examples with that. So on the whole, your work is quite good. Thank you.

  Host: We will go on with contestant No.6, Mr. Cheng Lin. Welcome back.

  Judge: Bill Gates dropped out of school to go into the business world. He has become very successful. Do you think it’s OK to leave your academic study to pursue your special interests?

  Cheng Lin: You really offered me a great challenge. I always says something to my students that as a student you should occupy yourself on study and not to do other things because in China the condition is quite different, especially for most of the talents who achieve the success in the end, have enjoyed the highly academic education. Sometimes I think the campus or universities offered the students if you have the talent, you can explore the resources to cultivate the full potential of your talent. I persuade my student to stay in the classroom to learn more. After the graduation they can go out for practice and also they can be very smart if they had a solid foundation and if they can do their job very well in the future. Thank you very much.

  Host: Mr. Gregg, please make a comment.

  Mr. Gregg : In a society that values education as much as that in China. You answer that very well. I would be torn if I would say on this. I think you pull it off very well. I appreciate that. Thank you.

  Host: Let’s welcome contestant No.7 into the stage. Welcome back.

  Judge: This question is If you volunteered to go to a country village to teach, what would you say to your first class?

  Zhang Liang: Thanks for your question. If I got a chance to go to a country, on my first class I’d like to told my students the importance of confidence. Sometimes I don’t feel so good, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have confidence, because sometimes I just fear of something, I am afraid of facing many people. But after that I try my best to do it. I just want to tell my students that confidence is so important to a person. Thank you very much.

  Host: Please enter your scores for contestant No.7. Professor Feng, once again.

  Professor Feng: I think that was a good answer, because a hundred people would give a hundred different answers to this question. You chose to give the answer on the importance of confidence. I think that is appropriate. I couldn’t think out any better ways now within 10 seconds to offer an answer different from yours. So that was good. Thank you.

  Host: Next contestant is No.8 Zhao Wei.

  Judge: What is the greatest benefit the Internet has brought to you?

  Zhao Wei: I think the greatest benefit that internet has brought to me is that it makes me stay connected with the world. As a university student I live on campus, and sometimes I live as a hermit. Without internet I will not be able to have contact with my friends. I won’t get to know the newest happenings in the world. When I got on internet, I got to know friends from native speaking countries and they can teach me really new languages. I think that’s all.

  Host: Thank you. Please score for contestant No.8. Professor Johnson, would you please make a comment.

  Professor Johnson : This is a question invite an answer. I think you have given a very good answer to stay connected. You might have mentioned other things that can come to the internet and perhaps you have that in mind, namely searching for information. Even though in the university, you have a marvelous library, the information on the web is simply astonishing. You might farther mention that. But I thought it was an excellent performance. Thank you.

  Host: Congratulations. The next one to face the challenge is contestant No.9. Welcome Zheng Chenguang from Beijing.

  Judge: One of your goals in school is to graduate. After graduation you will be seeking your first job. In what ways can you prepare yourself now for the first job interview?

  Zheng Chenguang: My major, as I have mentioned, is English broadcasting. I think my ideal job should be broadcasting news or hosting programs in TV stations. As for that, today you can see that I am doing preparations for my future job. Besides that, I think I should obtain more degrees more certificate like Ban VIII English test and something like that. That will contribute to my future career. Besides that, I think I should prepare a good resume in which all the situation about me is carefully explained. These are the aspects I am thinking about. Thank you.

  Host: Professor Gu, would you please make a few comments.

  Professor Gu : First I have to congratulate you for your wonderful pronunciation and fluency. But the question is “In what ways would you prepare yourself for your first interview.” It is not your plan for what you would like to do after your graduation, it is how would you prepare for your first interview. That’s the question. You spent a lot of time on how you are going to do, what you plan to do, what you hope to do, but you failed to tell us how you prepare for your first interview, how would you present yourself in your first interview. Your answer is although very fluent, and quite logical in its own way, it is a little bit far away from your question. So that’s my comments. Thank you.

  Host: Now let’s welcome contestant No.10 Zhang Hanbing.

  Judge: Now we got a very special question for you. If you knew a friend of yours had AIDS, could there still be a future in your friendship? The answer is definitely “yes”. I want to be his or her friend until the days of our death. Because the AIDS is dangerous for person, but if you get a good preparation for that you can get rid of that. Nowadays we got very nervous about such kind of diseases, such as SARS we face today. I think that’s because we cherish our lives, but I want to say that I cherish my life, it doesn’t mean I want to loose your friend. So I think if I do the preparation in the right way, I will be his friend. That’s my answer. Thank you.

  Host: Now please give your scores. Professor Wang.

  Professor Wang: Thank you for your answering. You actually have a very natural in your presentation. Your answer is somewhat irrelevant to the question. I think you need to elaborate more but it’s very hard to do it in one minute. Thank you.

  Host: Now let’s welcome back contestant No.11, Sun Jian. When you feel bad, who would you like to talk to those you are familiar with, strangers on the chat line or someone else?

  Sun Jian: First of all, thanks for your question. Many people, especially teenagers, intend to pull out their secrets or sadness on internet to the strangers. They think when talking to strangers, they have nothing to worry about, and nothing to feel ashamed of, but they forget one thing: the people you open your hearts to, may not know your situation very well. They may not even know whether you are a boy or a girl. So their advise maybe unneeded. So if I feel sad, I would turn to my friends for help without any hesitation, because I believe that they are the best listeners, they are the people that can understand me completely, and they are those that can give me many advise. So ladies and gentlemen, I want you to share your happiness and sadness with your friends, not strangers. Thank you very much.

  Host: Professor Chen, some comments please.

  Professor Chen: I should say, how I envy you now! When I was in your age, I could talk to nobody. But from your talk, I could say that your talk is quite logic, well organized and I appreciate that very much. Thank you.

  Host: The next one is contestant No.12. Welcome back Liu Buyu. Please choose an animal to represent yourself, and talk about why you chose it.

  Liu Buyu: I think I want to choose a dog, because I belongs to dog. I was born in 1982. And I like dogs very much. They are very loyal to people. I think I am very loyal to every friend of mine. I think to choose dog to describe myself is that I like dog very much and that’s all, thank you.

  Host: Let’s see if it will make you a top dog. Please score for contestant No.12. Mr. Gregg, it’s your turn to make a comment.

  Mr. Gregg: I think you have done a marvelous job there. I have love to dog, too. There is some questions. I have nothing to praise for you. You have done a wonderful job. You were really nice for answering that question. You did a good job. Thank you.

  Host: The twelve contestants, from contestant No.1 to 12 have finished the second part, Next one who will face the question is contestant No.13, Pan Yu. Welcome back.

  Judge: Your question is if you were a recent college graduate, and you couldn’t find a job, what would you do?

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