
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月16日 13:55   新浪教育

  Pan Yu: If I really can’t find a good job, I will start my own career. That’s better for me. I am a confident girl, and I believe my college knowledge could help me to find a suitable career for myself to set up, because in the future a lot of people will not only go for a job, they will start their own job. I will try my best to be a good person and useful person for the whole society. Maybe I will do the commitment to those people who need my help, and spread my knowledge, to teach English to all the people there. Thank you.

  Judge: Contestant No.l3, yours is a beautiful answer. I have to admit that, even though I am a notoriously tough judge. I said that because your answer is very encouraging, I think that was very good.

  Host: The next one who will come to the stage is contestant No. 14, Wang Qian. Welcome back.

  Judge: Have you ever donated your blood to someone? What’s so meaningful about donating blood?

  Wang Qian: Thank you very much for your question. To tell you the truth, I donated blood twice. When I had my 18th birthday, I went to donate my blood in my hometown. I think donating will give me a very good memory of my 18th birthday. To be an adult, I think it is the time for me to do something for the society. To do what for a 18 year-old girl? Yeah, donating blood. The second time is in last year on Christmas day, I also went to donate blood. Because I am only 21 year-old, I am studying in college, I have not much energy to do a lot of things for the society, but people who are patients in hospital, definitely they will need blood. I think this is the only thing I can do for the people who need help. Frankly speaking, I am sure I will benefit from my donating blood some day. So all in all it’s meaningful.

  Host: Please score for contestant No.14’s response. Thank you very much.

  Judge: This is a delightful question, a challenge. We were all delighted to hear that you have donated blood. I think you could speak with a little more force, a little more persuasion. I felt impressed for your logic, that’s as a young person, you don’t have enough energy, and you don’t have much time and energy to serve, and you found a way where you can serve, and serve in a very special way. I thought your answer was very good. Thank you very much.

  Host:Ladies and Gentlemen, let’s welcome back the last contestant, contestant No.14, Mr. Cheng Yue.

  Judge: On February 1, 2003, the space shuttle “Columbia” had an accident, and 7 astronauts were lost. Do you think this kind of sacrifice is very meaningful?

  Cheng Yue: We all know the news it was just we are celebrating for the spring festival, there has the the seven men, who died. Everything in history of men’s to search for the space and also to search for the science, we have to pay our sweet, or even our blood or lives. I know in the long way for us to search for the space, there will of course have some accidents, it will not for the space. Thank you.

  Host: We will wait to see your marks. Professor Gu will make the last comment in this round.

  Professor Gu : First of all, I must say you are the right person to answer this question. I remember you are from the army. I think you answer it fairly well. If I were you I could have done a little bit better. On the whole I think you handle the question very well.

  Host: Before we kick off the third round, we’d like to inform you that today is the last day of the semi-finals. Tomorrow we will kick off the finals. The first group who will face the challenges is the young ones, the children’s group. Ok now let’s start the third round, media segment. Now let’s welcome the very first group, contestant No.1, 2 and 3. Welcome back girls. You have a discussion right? Because we have six numbers. You have to choose one from these six numbers. What is your choice?

  Contestant: Finally we choose three. No.3, after the short discussion.

  Host: Contestant No.1 will be the first one to answer the question. And contestant No.2 and 3 would you please sit down here and put on the head sets. Music, very loud music. They will hear nothing.

  Answer: You came back.

  Of course I came back. I couldn’t let them…… Oh, this is all my fault. If only I’d gotten back sooner. Maybe it’s better.

  It’s better this way. Don’t talk like that. You’ll be all right.

  We are together now. Everything is going to be fine. You’ll see and at least I’ve got to see you one last time.

  No. No. Please, please, please don’t leave me. I love you.

  Host: You might find this section is really interesting. Now, Lets’s move on to the second group, contestant No.4 to 6. Welcome to be on the stage again. What’s your number?

  Contestant: After the discussion we decide to choose No.1.

  Host: And you will be the first one to face the challenge. Ok, the other two please take your seats.

  Answer: Harry Potter. Such an honor it is.

  Who are you?

  Dobby, sir. Dobby, the house Elf.

  Not to be rude or anything, But this not a great time for me to have a house elf in my bedroom.

  Yes, sir. Dobby understand. It’s just that… Dobby has come to tell you. It is difficult, sir. Dobby wants … just… Where to begin…

  Why don’t you sit down? Sit down? Sit down? Dobby, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you or anything. Offend? Dobby?

  Dobby has heard of your greatness, sir. But never has he be asked to sit down by a wizard.

  Host: Let’s welcome the third group contestant No.7 to 9. On to the stage. Hello, welcome back to the stage. Who will be telling us your choices?

  Contestant: We’d like to choose No.6.

  Host: You’ll be the first one. You two please take your seats. Put on the head sets.

  Answer: Excuse me sir, what are you doing?

  I’ll tell you what I’m doing.

  I want to buy eight hotdogs and eight hot dog buns to go with them. But no one sell eight hot dog buns. They only sell 12 hot dog buns. So I end up paying for four buns. I don’t need.

  So I’m removing the superfluous buns.

  I’m sorry sir, but you are gonna have to pay for all 12 buns. They are not marked individually.

  Yeah. You wanna know why?

  Because I am not paying for one more. Thing I don’t need. George Banks is saying no!

  Who’s George Banks?


  Host: Thank you all. Now let’s give a big hand to the fourth group, Contestant No.10 to 12. Welcome back. What’s your decision of the number?

  Contestant: We decided to choose No.4.

  Host: Please get ready.

  Answer: Wow, great reflexes!


  No problem.

  He asked me what I thought about you.

  And what did you say?

  I said, Spiderman. I said, the great thing about M.J. is when you look in her eyes and she’s looking back in yours ……Everything feels not quite normal. Because you feel stronger and weaker. At the same time. You feel excited… And at the same time… Terrified.

  Host: Ok, ladies and gentlemen. Let’s give a big hand to the last group of contestants No.13 to 15. Please tell us your number.

  Contestant: Our choices is number 5. In this part, the full mark is 5. It can bring us good luck.

  Host: Please be seated and get ready for No.5.

  Answer:Half fish, fish that you wearer.

  I’m sorry I went out too far. Ruined us both.

  But we’ve killed many sharks, you and I, and ruined many more.

  How many have you ever killed, old fish?

  You do not have that spirit for nothing.

  What will you do now if they come in the night?

  He thought. What will I do if they come in the night?

  I’ll fight them! I’ll fight them until I die! Oh, but I hope I do not have to fight again. He thought I hope so much I do not have to fight again. But he fought again.

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