
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月16日 14:36   新浪教育

  Host: And we got two more contestants here, next one is contestant No.13. Let’s know something from him. Let’ s welcome the gentleman from ShangHai.

  PanYi: Hello, everyone and all of the judges. My name is PanYi, I am from shanghai. Hi, host and hostess, how are you today?

  Host: Fine thanks. What is topic?

  PanYi: Infarct I have no topic. It is only a speech. Can I start?

  Host: Yes.

  PanYi: When I was a little boy, I also believed in Santa Claus. I can remember the year when I was four years old. My parents told me: “Philip, Santa Claus will give you some nice presents on Christmas Eve. If you are a really good boy, he’ll give you just what you want.” “Really?” I said. “Will he give me a toy train?” My parents promised me.

  You know, it was a long time for me to wait for Christmas. But finally, Christmas Eve came. I hung a stocking at the foot of my bed, and I could hardly go to sleep.

  The next morning, I woke up very early. I eagerly looked into my stocking, but found nothing. Disappointed, I went into the sitting room. I was thrilled to see a big box under the Christmas tree. I tore off the ribbon and paper, and found the toy train I wanted so much!

  Several years later, I learned that Santa Claus was not real, but I wasn’t too disappointed. Because I also learned that it was actually my parents who gave me the toy train. Now, at Christmas time I always remember that Christmas when I was four. And I feel very happy, because I know that I’m a good boy and my parents love me very much.

  Host: And next will be contestant No.14 before we meet her, let’ s have look at her personal information. Ok, ladies and gentlemen. Let’ s give a big hand to contestant No.14 GenYuemeng.

  GengYuemeng: Hello.

  Host: Welcome here. What is your topic?

  GengYuemeng: My topic is “my cousin ”.

  Host: So, you will tell a story about him.

  GengYuemeng: Yes.

  Host: Let’ s hear it.

  GengYuemeng: My little cousin Christelle, her Chinese name is Tian Tian. Last year, she came back from US for summer vacation. She was very proud of herself of traveling alone from San Francisco to Beijing. Christelle is such a pretty girl that everyone in the family loves her.

  Although Christelle is only ten year old, her life is already full of unique and interesting stories. She was born in Paris, France. She moved to Montreal, Canada when she was three and a half. Then she moved to U.S.A three years ago.

  Now Christelle is a Grade Five student in Silicon Valley, California. She doesn't have any homework during the weekends, spring breaks and summer vacations. But she loves to read on her own. She has finished already all of four Harry Potter books published so far.

  When Christelle was in Paris and Montreal, her primary language was French. Now she can speak English very well but her French is getting more and more rusty. She doesn't know much about reading and writing in Chinese. One day she asked me: "Chinese one has one line, two has two lines, three has three lines, so the number four must have four lines? Right?" oh! Such a funny idea!

  Christelle is always puzzled and amazed by the ways the family members call each other: "Why mother's brother is called Jiu Jiu, but father's brother is Shu Shu? Why mother's mother is called Lao Lao, but father's mother is Nai Nai? It's so hard to remember them all!” By the way, Christelle is my cousin on my mother's side. Her father is the oldest brother of my mother.

  Christelle is so pretty and pure, I love her.

  Thank you.

  Host: Ok, now the 14 contestants have finished their speeches in this round. And now we are in the second round.

  Question and Answer.

  So, this part will invite two of the judges as the question masters to help us finish this part.

  Both of them will read some questions to each contestant and each contestant will have 10 seconds to gather his or her thoughts. And then, one minute to answer this question. And full mark for this part is 40 points. And now we would like to introduce you’re the question masters are this round. They are Miss. Dinna and Mr. Scott. Welcome to the stage.

  To complete this section, we have invited two of the judges to our question masters. And you can see now they are sitting on the other side of stage. They are Mr. Scott Walace and Miss. Diane Coffman.

  Thank you for taking the job, let’ s give a hand to contestant No.1.again. Welcome back.

  Host: Hello?

  QiuChengxin: Hi.

  Host: Are you ready?

  QiuChengxin: Yes.

  Host: Your question is: describe the happiest day do you have ever had with your family.

  You have 10 seconds to think about it, and one minute to answer. You can start now.

  QiuChengxin: I think the happiest day is Spring Festival. Because I can be with my mother, father, grandpa, grandma, and lots of my family members.

  We are happy. We can eat lots of delicious things, like peanut; sweets; cakes and chocolate. That is all.

  Host: Do you have any special activities during the Festival? Will you go out to visit your friends?

  QiuChengxin: Yes.

  Host: Ok. You still got time.

  QiuChengxin: That is ok.

  Host: Thank you. First, the judges scores for contestant No.1. Full mark is 40 points.

  Later one of the judges will make some comments.

  Host: Professor Hou. Would you make some comments?

  Professor Hou: First of all, I would like to tell you that. It is not going to be anything serious. It is not the serious comment.

  Actually I’d rather ask you some questions to have a chat with you if I may. I will tell you first of all. I impression your performance I noticed that in your speech, you talk about the films you watched. home alone, Harry Potter, right? Did you watch them in English?

  QiuChengxin: Yes.

  Professor Hou: Do you understand them?

  QiuChengxin: A little.

  Professor Hou: You said that because of the topic of your speech is “I like English”, you said your mother teaches you English. I wonder if you often talk to your mother in English, do you?

  QiuChengxin: Yes.

  Professor Hou: You do, ok. Are you comfortable to speak English to your family members?

  QiuChengxin: Yes.

  Professor Hou: Ok. I think you are very good. And I also like your dress it is very lively. And I also noticed that when you came out the stage, you run. So, you are very lively. Ok, that is for yours comments.

  QiuChengxin: Thank you.

  Thank you for your comments. Ok. Let’s take a look at the scoreboard.

  Host: Ok, we will be see you later

  Host: And now let’s welcome contestant no .2

  Host: Ok, here is a question for you. If you were given only one apple, whom would you give it to, your father or your mother? Why?

  Host: You got 10 second to think about it

  WangZhangyang: I think this question is difficulty to answer. Why? Because if I have one apple, I want to give it to my mother, and also I want give it to my father. Because my mother and my father both love me a lot, so that is very difficulty question, but I will give the apple to my mother. Because I think mother is a wonderful person in the world .she is a wonderful mother in the world. She helps me a lot; she cares of my study, She cares my friends, and cares my life. I love my mother, and she helps me a lot, she helps me study, especially in study English. She is my good teacher, so I will give that apple to my mother, thanks.

  Host: Thanks. So, we see that you really felt puzzled,

  WangZhangyang: Yes.

  Host: But how about cut it into and give each one a half

  WangZhangyang: That is good idea. Thank you.

  Host: Ok, now would you please enter your score for contestant no.2?

  Host: You father will be very angry tonight, when you go home.

  Are you afraid of that?

  WangZhangyang: No. My father is very kind.

  Host: That is why you dare to say that. And I know actually maybe your father will be great about that, because he knows that you show your love to your mama.

  Host: So, any comments please. Marijane please.

  Marijane: Yes, I’ d love to comment, I really appreciate your answer and I appreciate to find that you really thought about it. And also one thing that we nice to see is I feel you very sincere even though you were performing before a lot of people.

  Because, on your face, I could see that is difficult question, but I would surprise that you had courage to say on the stage. That is difficulty question, so it makes me feel that you think in English and I also thought that you have the courage to express. What’re you really thinking, so that is very good way to become better and better on language? So just speak, speak out what your mind is thinking. Of cause you can always do that. But it’s really a good touch in this situation and I also like very much the way your whole body is very happy, your face is happy; you jump down stair. That really is a nice addition to your presentation. So I feel you very natural boy. And happy, and your language express that so we all face together very nicely. And it is very nice to see and I appreciate your answer, I appreciate your thought about it and I think you can do a great job.

  WangZhangyang: Thank you

  Host: The next one is contestant no.3. Welcome back. Hello, your question is what is your favorite English song and why? You got 10 seconds to think about it.

  LiMengQi: My favorite English song is Edelweiss. Because in my school, in every class my English teacher always to teach us this song. I think this song is very beautiful and very pretty and this song every people can sing, I think they think is very difficult, but I think it very easy. If you catch some important things, you can sing it very good. So I like it very much.

  Thank you

  Host: That is your respond for that question. Your favorite song is Edelweiss and now, the judges will enter the scores for her responds. Do you like singing?

  LiMengQi: Yes. So you often sing the song in public

  LiMengQi: Yes.

  Host: So would you like to try?

  Host: Ok, one of the judges professor Cheng makes some comments.

  Professor Cheng: Hi! MengQi. I appreciated that you are speaking here very much. First see you courage and then your manners. But you know seeing the question is about what is your favorite song and also host and hostess give you chance. Why not try to show your talent to make us more impress? During the speech, you know it is difficult to make fluency spoke naturally, because you have to thinking English then you have to speaking English. But anyway, you have to know we have to think about major points, when you make your speech, then you have this natural habitation, but you have to be very natural, only on the base you have some make your points to speak. Thank you

  LiMengQi: Thank you

  Host: Welcome back to CCTV the 4th annual star of outlook English talent competition. And now you’re watching the children’ semi-final, just now, the first three contestants answered some questions from our question masters, I especially like the second question, if you have a apple who would you give it to, your mother or your father? Who would like to give your responds to this question? If I was given this chance, I have a apple and I have to divided to who, whether to my mother or my father, I would like to deiced, I did not give the apple to anybody, I will keep the apple in my pocket, I will eat it myself, because I do not think this material thing can represent a great graduate love, so I will have it, if I want to divided, I will show my full of to them materially, I’d divide one to one of them, and left the other without the apple, I do not think it a good choice.

  How do you think you can show your love to the parent?

  When they have seen I had an apple, I’d keep it, do not give it to any of them, they can feel that I love both of them.

  Ok, that is smart. Thank you.

  And we have some more interesting questions, and now let’s continued the competition.

  So, ZhuHua, please.

  Yes. Now, let’ s welcome contestant no.4

  Host: How are you?

  ZhaoChunshen: Fine, thank you,

  Host: Ok, here we go, other question, would you like to have a pet at home? Why or why not?

  You got 10 seconds.

  ZhaoChunshen: I wish I could have a dog, he can play the football or basketball with me, and I love football and basketball very much. I am the fan of football player Irving, he plays very well, I wish the dog can teach me a lot of soccer. I want to play basketball with dog too. I am also the fan of …. I like him very much, the dog can play with me and protect me. But the dog have many things that my mama do not like, it is too dirty I think. I also like fish too; they can relax me in my spear time. That is all.

  Host: Thank you. Ok, judges please enter your scores for contestant No .4.

  Host: Nice to meet you, how are you?

  ZhaoChunshen: Fine, thank you, and you?

  Host: I am fatalistic, thank you.

  ZhaoChunshen: I have to mention personally, I love dogs, and dog is also my No. 1 Child.

  Tom:Me too.

  But I also really enjoyed the energy that you bring to answers, and you can think about the answer first. I thought you really very consistent in coming up the new thought was not repeat the thought at all, you are mention what you want the dog to do and then as well as mention the fact you are mother did not like dogs and give a reason for that thought. It is very intelligent answer and you part is very impressed.

  ZhaoChunshen: Thank you

  Tom:And one thing I just one thing I would like to inform you, sure you well, but you said my mother do not like dogs and just try to make your mother like dogs. It is fantastic job, keep it on. Thank you.

  Host: The next one is contestant no .5. welcome back.

  LongYuetian: Hello.

  Host: May I ask you when is your birthday?

  LongYuetian: It is after my birthday, it is April 14th

  Host: So it is recent. Well, your question is what do you want for your birthday? You got 10 seconds for this question to think about it.

  It seem that she really wants some present.

  LongYuetian: You know, I love books. I mean just read books, so my mama will buy me kind of books that I really want. And of course, a big cake, everyone love to eat cakes, all children like to eat sweet, and also I want to give to my mother and my father a big kiss because they make me like this big, and they really love me, and they spend money on me. I really want them to celebrate my birthday. I mean good to me and I really think it is really good to me. And also, the book that I really want. In my dream, that is what I want. You know, that is sweet thing when I was birthday. Before that day, I had dream that book I really want. So, my father will brought that book. I really think that is sweet thing, but I. …Thank you.

  Host: So, please the scores for contestant No.5.

  Professor Feng, are you ready to make some comments?

  Professor Feng: Now, Miss long, you listed several things as your birthday presents. If you are suppose to choose only one, which one do you want most?

  LongYuetian: Well, the book, of course, study is No.1.

  Professor Feng: That is good answer.

  Professor Feng: Next time, when you handle question like that, probably skill to think first. Rather than talking and thinking at the same time, though some time it is advisable to do so, but not all the time, if you give better thought to your ideas you will be able to present them in more logic manner.Thank you

  LongYuetian: Thank you for your suggestion.

  Host: And thank you for your performance. Now let’s welcome contestant No.6. SunTian.

  So, you all are doing a really good job. Are you ready for your question?

  Would you prefer a male or a female teacher to be your home teacher?

  SunTian: Please again.

  Host: Would you prefer a male or female teacher to be your home teacher in your class at school, do you want a man or a woman for teacher? And why?

  Do you understand the question?

  SunTian: Yes.

  Host: Ok, you got 10 second to think about that.

  SunTian: I love women teacher, because women teacher is not so tough and not so (cut). If a teacher was (not) very kind, I can learn nothing from her. And if the teacher was very tough, I will scare of him, if the teacher is a woman, I like women, and I do not like man. And people in my class just a man teacher, but I do not like man teacher, I like women teacher, and women teacher is kind.

  Host: You might be too early to say that you do not like men. Are you preferring woman teacher? Yes. Now we have one of the woman teachers to give you some suggestions, ok?

  SunTian: Ok!

  Host: First, please scores for contestant No.6.

  Judge: Hello, SunTian.

  Nice to meet you, first of all, I’ d like to say, you are as sweet as your name, right? And about your answer, I really like it very much. That is mean you are like me and like all the female teachers and judges here. But have you ever thought that male judges will be angry?

  SunTian: Yes, I have to say that man judges will be angry, but I want to say to the man judges “sorry”.

  Judge: That is great to be honest.

  Yes, that is very sweet of you to say so, now about your performances today, your voice is excellent and what impresses me most is your clear pronunciation is very beautiful. Who taught you?

  SunTian: My teacher.

  Judge: Tell your teacher that we love her or him, and the second thing is, I think you are able to respond to the question master very quickly. You can respond very quickly when you don’t understand a question which is very good what I can say just keep on, keep your interest in English. Ok, that is all.

  SunTian: Thank you.

  Judge: Thank you.

  Host: Mr. Wallace, SunTian said that she does not like man. So, maybe you have something in common, your answer with very honest. So, I appreciate that how you feel?

  Mr. Wallace: So, that is ok.

  Host: Thank you.

  Host: Good evening, this is CCTV the 4th annual of star of outlook English talent competition. You are now watching the children’ semi-final.

  Now, they are in the second part question and answer.

  Just now, 6 contestants have finished answers from the question masters.

  Now, let’s have look at the scores and marks.

  Host: So, there are more changes on the scoreboard. So, stay with us in our competition.

  Now, let’s go on to contestant No.7. WangJianni,welcome back.

  Host: Hello.

  WangJianni: Hello.

  Host: The question is who do you admire or look up to most and why?

  Do you understand the word “admire”?

  WangJianni: No.

  Host: Think about it and give us your answer.

  WangJianni: I think I admire my mama very much, because she is a teacher in a university in Nanjing.

  She really works hard on her work, she is a teacher and she goes to school, maybe twice a week. But she always sits at the computer. When we are having dinner, she still sits there. You know, she works very hard and her students are very good that I can tell.

  Host: Ok, sorry. Time is up. Please scores for contestant No.7.

  Host: So, you did not understand the word “admire”. So, that is really affect you a lot.

  WangJianni: That is pity. I think I will work hard on my vocabulary.

  Host: That is ok.

  Host: But, anyway, you come out with the answer very quickly. That is good.

  So, Miss. Liu? Would you please say of your words about her respond to the question master’s question?

  Miss. Liu: Hello,WangJianni. Nice to meet you.

  WangJianni: Nice to meet you.

  Miss. Liu: Yes, just now the question you answer, I think, it is a lot difficult for you, right? So, it does not matter, because I think you really give me a good impression and I know that you admire your mama very much.

  Yes? So, do you want to be a kind of person like your mother in the future?

  WangJianni: I want to be a person that many people admire me.

  Miss. Liu: I wish you had a wonderful future.

  WangJianni: Thank you.

  Miss. Liu: Ok?

  Host: Thank you.

  Thank you very much.

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