
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月16日 14:36   新浪教育

  Host: Now, let's welcome contestant No.8. JieLidi.

  Host: Hello.

  JieLidi: Hello

  Host: Question: when you make a mistake, if you parents criticize you, what do you do?

  JieLidi: Well, do you mean that if I make a mistake, what do I do?

  Host: If you make a mistake, and your parents criticized you.

  JieLidi: What does the mean criticize?

  Host: Ok, criticize, for example, let’s say you are cleaning the window, and you father say do not do it that way, do it this way. So, maybe he does not agree with your way of doing it.

  Host: So, one more time, when you make a mistake, if you parents criticized you, what do you do?

  JieLidi: First, I think if I make a mistake, and my parents criticize me, I think I will not be very sad, and I will not unhappy. Because, my parents teach me a lot, and help me a lot, if I have mistakes, I have to learn from this experience, and I want to make better next time. And also, I think sometime, if the parents do not criticize me very well, and they do not have a good way. And also I think because everyone will have mistake just now I make a mistake. So, parents can make mistakes, and they want to help me, I think I will not be upset, and I will train myself and do better next time. That is all. Thank you.

  Host: Judges please scores for contestant No.8.

  Mr. Professor Hou again.

  Professor Hou: Well, I think you very understanding child, because when you parents criticize you. You do not feel angry, you do not feel worry, you do not feel bad, in that case, is that right?

  I wander if there any one time, you did not feel good, in criticized by your parents. Because it is to my mind, it is very natural for little children to feel bad after being criticized by their parents. I just wander how come you, you could be so understanding?

  JieLidi: Well, actually, my parents always said that I am an understanding kid. But I do not think so, because my parents help me a lot, I am an understanding boy. It’s ok.

  Professor Hou: Also, I’d like to mention, one thing in your prepared speech, I know that you display some sense of humor. Because you said, you are listening to VOA. Because you could not understand very well,so in the end, you thought full noise of America. So, I think it is funny remark and it is very good, I think. It is very well quality, especially for contestants in such setting to display. That is kind of humor, and I hope you can keep it, always keep it. Thank you.

  Host: Next one is contestant No.9 GuoJiahao.

  GuoJiahao: Hello.

  Host: You question is: if you do some work around the house, do you think your parents should pay you money for it?

  GuoJiahao: Thank you

  In my home, my mother and father often do home works, and my father often go outside, and my mother do the home works in the house. And sometimes, when my father and mother very tired, I can help them. Such as, wash my clothes, and clean the windows. I do not think that clean windows is dangerous, I am primary student, and the teacher tell me, if you do the house work, and you can help your parents. So, if I do some house works, when my parents said: you are grow-up, I will be happy and I do not ask money for them.

  Host: Please scores for contestant No.9.

  This time, Marijane please.

  Marijane: Well, I want to say that, you answer is really well organized. And well thought-out, and of course, every parents love to hear this, that you feel it is the part of your job to do home work, I just want to tell you that home work and house work, you have to very careful, because you know home work is study and house work is the choice of home. It is very hard to remember that. By the end, you will remember that. So you said the right words. That is good. Maybe the audience does not know that.

  The other thing I want to say, when you give respond answer like that, most of time and grammar was very good, remember when you talking about the past, do not forget you have to change those words. My teacher told me that all those things in English all those problems in the English brings. But generally I was listening for grammar and I heard only a few mistakes. So, I’m really congratulation that.

  Host:What is else?

  Marijane: Well, you whole representation is very good, you look very calm and you though of everything and timing was perfect. So, I think you did an excellent job.

  Thank you.

  Host: Ok, welcome back, now you are watching CCTV the 4th annual star of outlook English talent competition, this is children’ group semi-final.

  Host: Sitting here is Miss.Zhang, who is One of the experienced professors from the Beijing foreign study university. And miss Zhang, can you point some conmen problems about Chinese in learning English, can you give us some advice in learning English?

  Miss.Zhang: Actually, some of the judges have touched on this question, and they have given some valuable suggestions, some famous writers are expose English is also very important. Because, they are young learners, what I would like to say is that we have to make clear what type of learner we are.

  If we are interest in watching movies, and then we expose all ourselves to movies. If we like reading, we expose ourselves to interest in materials. So, I think it is important to make clear, what kind of learner I am. That is one of the suggestions, I can think about. Thank you.

  Do you courage you student to take some kind of activities? Public activities like this competition, or goes to take some volunteer jobs. Do you think it also helpful?

  Yes, because as old English saying goes, practice makes perfect. So, whenever you have a chance to use English and you should have known hesitation to take part in it. That is I can say now.

  Host: Ok, thank you very much.

  Let’ s go back to continue with the competition.

  Host: Welcome back. The next one to answer the question is contestant No.10. Fengyu. Let’ s welcome.

  Host: Hi, are you ready?

  Fengyu: Yes.

  Host: Have a deep breathe.

  Host: Here is the question: spring is a beautiful season, everywhere; describe spring in your hometown.

  Fengyu: Ok, thank you.

  Host: You got 10 seconds.

  Fengyu: I think the most beautiful season in Guangzhou is spring. Because I live in 23 floors,and look out the windows, there is a lake, it is the most good thing to represent Guangzhou’ s spring. Because all where are tress, flowers and grass. And when you walk at that park and you saw everywhere are green and flowers are so pretty. Sometimes, I did not want to go to school in spring. In the spring, everywhere is warm and stays at home everyday. And my mama will awake me up; I do not want to go to school. Because it is so tired when you lie in the bed, and this is two especially in spring of Guangzhou.

  Host: Thank you very much.

  Please scores for contestant No.10.

  Professor Cheng. Would you like to make some comments?

  Thank you.

  Professor Cheng: I remember you prepared speech topic is also about your hometown Guangzhou. Right?

  Fengyu: Yes.

  Professor Cheng: So, it is lucky, you got the question. But just now, in your answer in the question. You said Guangzhou is beautiful in spring. Because of the tress and flowers, I think many cities are beautiful, because of the tress and flowers. What other thing, you think of very particular in Guangzhou. Well, I think everywhere and everyplace where I live is good, in spring or any season. I love my hometown.

  When you are going to answer the question, try to keep to the very straight point. Because you mentioned, as the spring, there are tress and flowers are everywhere, but special to your hometown. Only in Guangzhou. There is a pearl river and there is no such a river in other city.

  Fengyu: Yes.

  Professor Cheng: Ok, thank you very much.

  Fengyu: You are welcome, thank you.

  Professor Cheng: Thank you.

  Host: thank you now, let’s welcome contestant No.11JiaRuxin.

  Host: Ok? Take a breath.

  Relax, you question is describe the first day you ever went to your primary school.

  You got 10 seconds to think about it.

  JiaRuxin: Ok, and first of all, thanks for asking this question. And the first day, I went to school, it is quiet nervous, because I have never left my parents and my teacher in the kid garden. So, there are lots of new faces, and I do not know them. So, I think I was nervous. On the first class, the teacher told us, we can make friends with each other, and then you do not have to be worried or scare of this sense of situation. And I think you can get use to it. That was the teacher told us. And first day, I made lots of friends; I am quieting talkative. I like to talk to people, and I just said: hello; how are you; something like that. And I made lots of friends. That is the first day, I went to my primary school. Thank you.

  Host: Thank you she manages her time very well.

  Host: Ok, the judges are working on the scores for contestant No.11.

  Host: Tom? Would you like to make some comments?

  Tom: I think I can manage it.

  First, I’d like to say that was fantastic answer, I can tell the moment that Diane ask the question. You first reaction was smile, and I could see you handle the question in your mind, immediately you can jump back to first day to primary school. I could see the views turning in it. It is very good to see. I’d like to thought of your answer was very insightful. I’d like to tell you the first respond to the judges, repeat for them you thank the judges for the question. And I thought your reaction was very good. How are you first day leaving your parents? So, it is most emotion experience. I thought it is very nice. One thing that I would like to say, you did well, but I’d say even to work harder, you use the past tense very well. I thought for the most part, you use very concisely. I’ d say to work a little hard to make that no mistake area. (Because you write down and break that). I think you are very close to make perfect English speaking, of course, it is necessary. So, I’d say to work little hard on that. You are doing good job. And I really appreciate your answer. Thank you very much.

  Host: Thank you.

  Ok, thank you very much.

  Host: The next one is contestant No.12 Quzhi from Beijing. Let’ s welcome her back.

  Host: Hello.

  Quzhi: Hello.

  Host: Imagine that your parents have asked you to learn to play violin. You, however, are not interested in learning. What would you do?

  Quzhi: First, I will tell my father that I am not interested to play. If my father said: you have to play violin, how important it is. And I want to tell him that now china. People have to do their homework and have to learn more. And everyday, we have lots of homework; we have to do it really late at night. I have to say, I really tired and I am playing the piano, dancing and do some other activities. But I really do not want to play other instrument. I think I just have to put all my energy to play piano; I really do not want to play other instrument. If my father said that play other instrument is good for you, it is no matter, and everyday you are not too tired. And I got to say that father I do not want to play violin, I am so tired. Or I am got to cry.

  Host: It is really surprise. Thank you so much.

  Host: Please score for contestant No.12’s performance this round.

  Miss.Qu, I think you handle the question well. Because you seem to given the logic. Second, as last you are very straight for and you said that you are really to cry. That is good answer I think.

  That is it.

  Quzhi: Ok, thank you.

  Thank you very much.

  Host: And do not go away. We will back soon.

  Host: Welcome back to CCTV the 4th annual star of outlook English talent competition. Let’ s have a look to contestant No.1 to 12’s marks and ranks.

  Let’ s continue and next is contestant No.13.Panyi.

  Panyi: Hello. Judges.

  Host: Are you ready?

  Panyi: Yes.

  Host: Good, you question is if you were a parent in other word, if you were the father in the family. How would you handle your family’ s money?

  Panyi: Thank you.

  Ok, thank you for your question.

  First, I’d say, if I have many money I will take one part to give to my children. Because “do not laugh”. He or she will study in primary school, in middle school and in university. And second part I will give it to my parents. I think it is good.

  And the third part I will give my wife, I think that is all. Thank you.

  Host: So everyone would be happy.

  Host: So the judges will be working on the scores for contestant No.13.

  So Professor Zhang. Would you say of your words?

  Professor Zhang: Hello. Would you tell me two things? One is the pronunciation of your first name. It is yi not wei. Also you told me how to handle your budget? I am not good at it.

  Thank you for teaching me this. I like your body languages, you have rich body languages. Very natural.

  Secondly, you have very strong sense of inter action and you respond the question master and you respond to the audience very well. And it will be perfect if you can elebrate a little another thing I ‘d like to comment is that you said you ‘d like to give some money to your children. Now in china, we adopt one child family policy, each family can have one child.

  So what would you say?

  So what would you say?

  Panyi: Excuse me, I just want to say, I give the money to them. I do not mean that we will spend this money to buy something; I pay the money for their study.

  Professor Zhang: Ok, let’s learn more. Thank you.

  Panyi: Thank you.

  Host: ok, let’ s welcome the last contestant No.14.GengYuemeng.


  Host: Who can make the final decision in your family your father or your mother?

  You got 10 second to think about it.

  GengYuemeng: Well I think it is my mother. Because sometimes she will be angry when we agree with her, just like one day I just told her that I went to (holiday) for vacation. And my father just agreed with me. And (he was) very good to tend for me to see the whole world. But my mother said, it would be very dangerous, if the plane off down or the ship goes worry. She just does not want me to go there. It is really (a) good chance for me to trip for other place. And she begins to be angry. I am scare of this. She is angry, I am afraid of her punishing. We can just agree with her.

  Host: Please scores for contestant No.14.

  Host: So, Miss. Liu.

  Would you like to take the opportunity to communicate with contestant No.14?

  Miss. Liu: Hello.GengYuwmeng.

  Nice to meet you. Just now I think you did very good job.

  You mention that your mother is the most powerful person in your family right?

  GengYuwmeng: Yes.

  Miss. Liu: And if you father or mother here, are you mother or father here?

  GengYuwmeng: Yes, they are there.

  Miss. Liu: Ok, nice to meet you too. I want to ask who is the person that you are afraid of in your family. Of course (it is) your mother.

  GengYuwmeng: I am not afraid of any one. Because we are family. We are friends; I think your speech well organized.

  Miss. Liu: Thank you.

  Host: And all the contestants have finished the second part.

  Ok, let’ s start the third round Media Segment.

  And in this segment will show each contestant 10 point, and they have to describe each picture in a word exactly. And this is test of their vocabulary. We divided the contestants into 5 groups and in each group. There will be 3 or 2 contestants.

  Host: Ok, let’ s start the third round Media Segment. And in this segment will show each contestant 10 point, and they have to describe each picture in a word exactly. And this is test of their vocabulary. We divided the contestants into 5 groups and in each group. There will be 3 or 2 contestants.

  Host: So now let’ s welcome contestants No.1 to 3. We have 6 numbers on the big screen, and which one would you choose?

  Contestants: No.3.

  Host: Contestant No.1. Will be the first one to answer all the questions. And contestants No.2 and 3 can take a break by sitting down there enjoy some music and you should put on the headset. Would you please sit down there? So by the way, we have two headsets here. And can you hear that? So put it on. And get ready for your part.

  Host: Can you hear me?

  Host: Ok, it works.

  Host: It is your turn contestant No.1.

  So loud music will be insuring that the other contestants cannot hear her. Ok, let’ s see what No.3 represent 10 pictures.

  And whenever you recognized what is on the picture, tell us in one word. Are you ready?

  Contestant No.1: Yes.

  Contestant No.1: Bee; horse; shark; snake; lion; rabbit; bear; sheep;

  Host: Ok, you named 9 of the pictures and how many you got correct, we will announce later. So now take a seat of contestant No.2.

  Host: You seem that really you are really relaxed with the music, right? Ok, let’ s get ready for the 10 pictures; please tell us whatever you recognized what is the picture stand for. Ok? Are you ready?

  Contestant No.2: Yes.

  Contestant No.2: Crocodile; peacock; sheep; tiger; pander; monkey; rabbit; bear.

  Host: That is all of it. He also gives 9 names.

  Host: Ok, are you ready No.3?

  Contestant No.3: Yes.

  Host: Let’ s get start.

  Contestant No.3: Mouse; cat; tree; bear; crocodile; lion; monkey; parrot; rabbit

  Host: Just we saw 10 animals. So,how many animals did each contestant named correctly. Our judges will announce it. Contestants No.1 to 3. Please come over.

  Just now we saw 10 different kinds of animals and did they named all the animals correctly? Let’ s take a look at the big screen again and see the correct answers to the pictures.

  Host: Ok, so, how many correct answers have each contestant given to all of us?

  Host: Mrs. Liu and Diane, who will announce the mark for contestant No.1?

  Host: Now let’s move to the next group Contestants 4 to 6. Welcome onto the stage.

  Host: What is your decision, all have contestant no. 6 to answer this question. So, which number did you choose?

  Contestant: 6.

  Host: Why did you choose 6?

  Host: So did you make a decision?

  Contestant: Yes.

  Host: So now, it is contestant no. 4’s turn and the other two contestants will sitting in the chair and put on the headsets.

  Host: Ok so stand behind the desk, No.4 are you ready?

  Contestant No.4: Yes.

  Host: Let’s see what no. 6 has behind this number.

  Contestant No.4: Socks; umbrella; milk; beer; chocolate; glass;

  Host: Really so quick

  Host: Ok, please give your microphone to contestant no.5. Contestant no.5 are you ready?

  Contestant No.5: Yes

  Host: Ok, let’s start

  Contestant No.5: Fan; Hamburg; beer; glasses; watch; cook;

  Host: Ok, that is.

  Host: So can you see clearly what is on the screen?

  Contestant No.6: Yes.

  Host: Are you ready for the pictures?

  Contestant No.6: Yes.

  Host: Ok, let’s go

  Contestant No.6: Umbrella; fan; glasses; watch; milk; chocolate;

  Host: She shows us every time if she doesn’t know the name.

  Host: So now, since all the 3 contestants have finished their answers in this part.

  Host: Let’s welcome them back to the center of the stage. So, how many correct answers have each contestant got? So, first we like to see the correct answers for this picture. Let’s see the big screen. Ok, that is the correct answers.

  Host: Ok, let’s continue and next group is the third ones. And they are contestant no. 7 to contestant no.9

  Host: Ok, boys and girls, and what number would you like to choose?

  Contestant: After the discussion, we deiced to choose no .1

  Host: You will be the first one to start .so the other boys please take your seat and get ready.

  Host: Be careful, because you have only two seconds for you to each picture, that is really test your vocabulary and quick minded.

  Host: No. 7, are you ready

  Contestant No.7: Yes.

  Host: Let’s go

  Contestant No.7: Clock; basket; newspaper; comb; mirror; sofa; bookshelf

  Host: Ok? And next turn for contestant no. 8.

  Host: So give your microphone to contestant 8. It is your turn. No .8. Please get ready.

  Host: When we will saw the ten pictures. Ok, are you ready?

  Host: Let get started.

  Contestant No.8: Window; mirror; sofa; refrigerator; key; TV; bookshelf; chair;

  Host: Ok, Weldon. Thank you.

  Host: Please hand you microphone to contestant no. 9.

  Ok? Are you ready?

  Contestant No.9: Yes.

  Host: Ok, let’s start.

  Contestant No.9: Mirror; refrigerator; comb; sofa; bookshelf; window; TV; newspaper; basket;

  Host: Ok. Thank you.

  Host: And next group will be contestant no. 10 to contestant no.12. Let’s welcome then back.

  Host: Welcome girls. And what is your decision?

  Contestant: After our decision, we would like to choose no .4.

  Host: So, we still start with contestant no .10. The other two girls enjoyed the music.

  Host: Ok, no.10 .are you ready?

  Host: Let’s go.

  Contestant No.10: Peanut; banana; apple; strawberry; watermelon; lemon; pear; tomato; pitch

  Host: Give your microphone to next contestant. Are you ready?

  Contestant No.11: Yes.

  Host: Let’s get started with the ten pictures.

  Contestant No.11: Pineapple; onion; tomato; pear; orange; watermelon; potato; cucumber; grape

  Host: Thank you. And contestant No .12.

  Host: Can we start?

  Contestant No.12: Ok, sure.

  Contestant No.12: Watermelon; strawberry; cucumber; tomato; lemon; cherry; grape; pitch; pear;

  So, the three girls please come to the center of the stage .we will listen to the correct answers.

  Ok, let’s listen to the video clip and check out the correct answers to the ten pictures.

  Host: Ok, we have the last two contestants and now let’ s welcome back contestant no .13 and 14.

  Host: So, what is your decision?

  Contestant: We decided to choose no .2.

  Host: So, contestant no .13 will be the first one to answer the questions.

  Host: No. 13, are you ready?

  Contestant No.13: Telephone; blackboard; ink; pencil; schoolbag; table; lamp; football; tape;

  Host: Yes.

  Host: Ok. That is your answers. And next for contestant no .14.

  Host: Ok? Watch carefully.

  Contestant No.14: Tape; computer; bag; desk; radio; football; pencil; lamp; ink

  Host: Ok, come back, please standing in front again.

  Host: And now let’ s check out the correct answers to this pictures. So listen carefully.

  Host: And now you watching the children’ semi-final. So, we have to call the day now.

  We will be back the same time tomorrow. Tomorrow the same time, we have the teenager’ semi-final.

  Host: So come back again.

  Host: Ok, that is for today’s competition.

  Host: See you.

  Host: Bye-bye.

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