
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月16日 14:50   新浪教育

  Host: That is correct. Let’ s welcome contestant No.8.

  Host: What number do you want to choose?

  JieLidi: No.3.

  Today we would like to talk about the English vocabulary for bowling. It has ancestors in Germany and Holland in the 14 century. So, bowling has a long history. Our modern bowling, like this, developed in North America. Ribeca is the one who does not like bowling. No, just a little, I am be better, but I have a friend here will going to help us today. He can play better then I can. But I want to show you some of the equipment and words in English. You do not need to buy more equipment for bowling. You just need right kind of bowling shoes. And a bowling ball.

  Host: Please get ready for the three questions.

  Host: Question No.1: Bowling has ancestors in ____?

  A: Holland and GermanyB: Holland and EnglandC: England and Germany JieLidi: A.

  Host: Correct.

  Host: Question No.2: The modern bowling is developed in ____?

  A: HollandB: North AmericaC: South America

  JieLidi: B.

  Host: correct.

  Host: Question No.3: What is the necessary equipment for bowling except the bowling ball?

  A: bowling shoesB: bowling shirtC: bowling glove

  JieLidi: A.

  Host: right. Totally you got 9 points. Next one is contestant No.10. Fengyu. Tell me your number.

  Fengyu: No.7

  When should I go out for holiday? When do you want to go? Spring? Summer? Autumn or winter? I like to go away in spring. Here is a good holiday nearly, in May, from 10th of May, how long does it last? It is last for three weeks. How does it to take to get there? It takes about two hours. Two hours by planning and day and half by train. How go by plane? On the 10th of May.

  Host: Question No.1. Where did the woman suggest spending the holiday?

  A: Italy B: England C: America

  Fengyu: A.

  Host: correct.

  Host: Question No.2. How long does the suggested holiday plan last?

  A: 3 months B: 3 weeks C: 3 days

  Fengyu: B.

  Host: that is easy one.

  Host: Question No.3. How long is the plane ride for the trip?

  A:2 hours B: 2 days C: 3 weeks

  Fengyu: A.

  Host: that is right.

  Host: Beside me is contestant No.12. Quzhi from Beijing. Very soon we will play a video clip. First of all select number from the big screen.

  Quzhi: No.6.

  My name is Hengxing, now I am studying in grade three of senior high. Though I always busy with studies, I keep on practicing Chinese calligraphy. The art of calligraphy has a long history in china. I start it by imitating some great works, now I can create piece of my own. When ever I finish one, my parents will be my first audience. I believe that, no pain no gain.

  And that perseverance leads to success. I will keep the habit for my entire life. Because it is really make me happy and make my life meaningful and colorful.

  Story about HengXing. Listen careful to my three questions.

  Host: Question No.1: What grade is Hengxing in?

  A: grade three of primary schoolB: grade three of senior high

  C: grade one of high school

  Quzhi: B.

  Host: Correct.

  Host: Question No.2: What did Hengxing do when she started practicing calligraphy?

  A: imitating some great works B: creating her owe style C: both

  Quzhi: A.

  Host: Correct.

  Host: Question No.3: Who are Hengxing’ s first audiences of her finished work?

  A: her classmatesB: her mother and father C: her teachers

  Quzhi: B.

  Host: correct. 9 points. Next one is contestant No.13. From Shanghai.

  Host: Which number do you want to choose?

  PanYi: No.1.

  Good mooring, all right, Linda, tell us something about you please. Well, my name is Linda, I am 23 years old, I am single, and I live in a flat with two other girls. I went to secretary school, and then I did a course to become a secretary. Very good. I have been a secretary for four years. I used to work for Joneson company at that moment, all right, welcome come to the company.

  Host: Question No.1. Whom does the girl live with?

  A: her parents B: two other girls C: she live alone

  PanYi: A?

  Host: Tell us which?

  PanYi: B.

  Host: Correct.

  Host: Question No.2. What job does the girl want to get?

  A: secretary B: manager C: accountant

  PanYi: A.

  Host: Correct.

  Host: Question No.3.How long will the course last?

  A: 3 months B: 6 months C: one months

  PanYi: B.

  Host: Correct. 9 points. Let’ s welcome the last one contestant No.5 Longyuntian. You have two choices which one?

  Longyuntian: No.7.

  I am a student from Germany, my name is Hannah besides tenting classes, and I love to play with all my classmates. The relationship between us is close. We often play with each other. Sometimes, I really forget I am a Germany student. I have a good friend Liuxiaoshan, I was so surprise to saw her, I do not think that we should have a foreign classmates. But she is really helping me a lot. Because her English is very good. She is a foreigner. And we practice our oral English everyday. We are very friendly to each other. I have to go home by subway. My Chinese are waiting for me for dinner.

  Host: Question No.1: What does Hannah love to do besides attending classes?

  A: readB: watch TVC: play with classmates

  Longyuntian: C.

  Host: Correct.

  Host: Question No.2: What do Hannah and Liuxiaoshan Practice everyday?

  A: oral EnglishB: tennisC: writing

  Longyuntian: A.

  Host: Correct. Congratulations

  Host: Question No.3: How does Hannah go home?

  A: by busB: on footC: by subway

  Longyuntian: C.

  Host: Correct. 9 points for contestant No.5.

  Host: These contestants will stay with us for the following rounds of the competition. No.13, 11,10,12,14,5. Congratulations!

  Let’ s start the third round “acting”

  Let’ s welcome the first group contestants No.11and 14

  Hello, again.

  You have to select number from the big screen. You can have discussion.

  Contestants: We have four numbers.

  Host: No.4.

  In this round, Miss Marijane Elliott and Tom Wooldridge will be our judges.

  Contestant No.11 will be the first one. Please contestant No.14 have to leave us for a while.

  Ah…It is time for school. You’ d first take a shower. And do not forget to brush your teeth. Then, put your clothes on and tie your shoes. Now you put your schoolbooks in your bag. You look at clock. Oh! I am going to be late! You eat a mouthful of you breakfast and rush to school. (Contestant No.11 are acting)

  Host: Thank you. This is the contestant No.11’ s respond, and next we will have contestant No.14 back onto the stage to do the action. It is really testing your acting skill.

  Ah…It is time for school. You’ d first take a shower. And do not forget to brush your teeth. Then, put your clothes on and tie your shoes. Now you put your schoolbooks in your bag. You look at clock. Oh! I am going to be late! You eat a mouthful of you breakfast and rush to school. (Contestant No.14 are acting)

  Host: Welcome back Jiaruxin back onto the stage. The judges will have a short discussion about their performance. Full mark for this part is 10 points. Well, I have to say that, I like both the way of your acting. So, No.11. You totally sure that we award you 10 points. No.14. a nice jobs as well. We award you 10 points. So, 10 points each. Congratulations.

  Host: Thank you. The next pair is Fengyu and Quzhi.

  Contestants: No.1.

  Host: Please Quzhi have leave for a while.

  Today, you are at home watching football on TV. At first, your home team is doing quite well. You Stand up and cheer for their gaining scores. You clap your hands, and jump up and down. You Scream (yell) madly. But after a while, you get disappointed because your team just misses a goal. You hit the table heavily. And stamp your feet. At last, your team loses the game. You cry. (No.10.Fengyu are acting)

  Host: Thank you for protecting our floor. And next one is contestant No.12.

  Today, you are at home watching football on TV. At first, your home team is doing quite well. You Stand up and cheer for their gaining scores. You clap your hands, and jump up and down. You Scream (yell) madly. But after a while, you get disappointed because your team just misses a goal. You hit the table heavily. And stamp your feet. At last, your team loses the game. You cry. (No.10.Fengyu are acting)

  Today, you are at home watching football on TV. At first, your home team is doing quite well. You Stand up and cheer for their gaining scores. You clap your hands, and jump up and down. You Scream (yell) madly. But after a while, you get disappointed because your team just misses a goal. You hit the table heavily. And stamp your feet. At last, your team loses the game. You cry. (No.12.Fengyu are acting).

  Host: Welcome back. Welcome back contestant No.10.

  Host: Marijane please.

  Marijane: Contestant No.10, you really did a good job. You got everything except one thing. Just scream madly. Maybe you like to do that. Why do you both scream madly? We can hear you. You are such a lady. You are very cute. We give you 9 points.

  What is about No.12? No.12 also did excellent job. Did you scream madly? Actually, I want to scream, I think I should do this. But it is really fast. I just thought I was really mad. I am really happy; I thought I really saw a football match. But I am missed it. Sorry. Just one point. You also got 9 points.

  Host: Contestant No.10 and 12 both got 9 points each. The last pair is contestant No.13 and 5.

  Host: Hello, we have only two numbers left, 1 and 4 have been chosen. No.2 or No.6? Which one?

  PanYi: No.2.

  Host: Why do you ask the lady?

  LongYuntian: I think No.2 also.

  Host: 13 will be the first one.

  Today, you are home alone. You are bored of doing your homework. So, you turn on TV, and you feel hungry. And you start to look for some cookies, but they are gone. So, you decide to cook dinner by yourself. Unfortunately, a fire breaks out! You get some water right away. And, put out the fire. Suddenly, doorbell rings. You open the door, and see a fireman standing outside the door. (No.13. PanYi is acting).

  Today, you are home alone. You are bored of doing your homework. So, you turn on TV, and you feel hungry. And you start to look for some cookies, but they are gone. So, you decide to cook dinner by yourself. Unfortunately, a fire breaks out! You get some water right away. And, put out the fire. Suddenly, doorbell rings. You open the door, and see a fireman standing outside the door. (No.5. LongYuntiani is acting).

  Host: Ok, what is about the boy and girl?

  Judge: No.13 I would like to ask No.5 to close your eyes for a moment. No.13 have you ever show me how you get some water? No.5 please open your eyes show me how you get some water? It is seam that water is everywhere.

  No.5 (LongYuntian): In my kitchen, there are some water here, and here that the place that we cook. So, I always do this.

  Judge: Are there always some fire in your home?

  No.5 (LongYuntian): If I want to get some water I always do that.

  Judge: Let’ s from the real world. No.13. After your performance that is certainly enjoyed. I think all of us thought you really good. We award you 10 points.

  No.5 we also enjoy the performance very much. We award you 10 points.

  No.13 (Panyi): Thank you.

  Judge: Are you satisfied now? I have a suggestion, do not make me to do that thing, it makes us sick. I was in a low mark. Make us nervous; do not have a good perform in the competition. I apologized.

  Host: Thank you.

  Host: There are might be some changes on the scoreboard after round four. Let’ s take off the four round “group discussion”.

  In this round, 6 contestants will be divided into two groups. Each group got different topic. We will have a group discussion. Each one in the first group will have 30 seconds to represent about their own idea. They got 180 seconds to have a group discussion.

  And then, after that they still got 30 seconds each to make a conclusion. They got 15 seconds to gather their thought.

  Host: Ladies and gentlemen let’ s welcome the first group No. 11,14,10. Welcome back. We have two topics; you want to choose one or two? Which one?

  Contestants: Two.

  Host: Listen carefully. After that you have 15 seconds to prepare. What do you think it is the best way to spend a holiday? This is the topic. Contestant No.11 will be the first speaker. You got 15 seconds to think about it.

  Host: It is you turn Jiaruxin.

  JiaRuxin: My point is that I think holiday should spend with my friends. In the park or somewhere, we should plan to go, because today, in china, students have a lot of homework to do. I think it is time to relax. In holiday we have lots of homework to do, we should spend with my friends, because we can talk to each other. I think we can play with each other. It is my point. Thank you.

  Gengyuemeng: I think it is just relax, at school we are very busy, if we have a vacation we have a holiday, I think travel or just like her said play with friends, I think not to go to do something, because we are very good. We study very well at school. So, we do not need to go to some place, just relax. Thanks.

  Fengyu: I think we can join some camp in the holiday. Sometime with your friends, camping in the other place, another country, it is can relax us very much. I mean camp is so fan and represent the friendship.

  They have three different way of spending holiday. It is time to have a free discussion, and time limit is 3 minuets. Let’ s get start.

  Free discussion:

  We should go to parks, or different places, because that is very good idea to relax, I think like No.14 said to relax at home right?

  I mean just for vacation to other place. Travel.

  All right. I miss understand you at first time. I think we can camp in the park, and camping where you travel. How can you camping in a park? It is easy. That must be a very big park. But I think in the park there are a lot of people. How can you camping in the park? Do not care that people, just join us. But I do not think camping in a park is really a good idea. I think just as I said, go to some park with your friends, because you can talk, not talk your homework, not study. Because it is the time to relax. I think maybe for other place we can see the whole world, for learning more things. Maybe just go to the park, only relax, nothing we learn. We are at school just for books; we do not have some experience about other things. But in a short vacation, just one day, how can you travel to other country. Other country, maybe I mean I can just used hours; I can come to Beijing, that is also a travel. That is not a country. You are still in china. From china to Korea we just need 2 hours. I think if you go to Korea you need to sleep, so that is about 12 hours for day. If you travel to Korea for 2 hours and come back for 2 hours, it is a little time to play. That mean the camping is the best idea. You can sleep in the camp, when you want to go out to play, you can go every time, if you want to have a fire party, do you camp on the grass or something like that?

  Yes, we can do that. I think it is cold and wet, I think it is bad for health. So, we just wait the grass turn to dry. But it is still cold at night.

  We just camp on summer. I think my idea is the best go to park in the daytime.

  Your idea is travel.

  Host: Ok, girls you have to stop. We start from contestant No.10. You have 10 seconds to have a conclusion, it is the last chance. Take it.

  FengYu: I think both of us say the right thing. On your holiday, when you going to do. You can camping or relax yourself or go to park. Those are all good ideas. Because we said just go to park, and go camping, we all can learn things and relax ourselves. I think both of us have a good idea. Thank you.

  Host: It is your turn.

  GengYuemeng: I agree with both of you. I think maybe we can go to another country, and go to another country’ s park and to do camping. It is also relax, I think just for relax. It is the most important thing. Thank you.

  Host: The last one.

  JiaRuxin: My point is all of us, three of us, are really good. In a short time, you can travel to other country, and camp. In a short time, so, I think my idea is best. But, you two are pretty good too. To go to park in daytime, is the best. That is all. Thank you.

  Host: Thank you.

  Host: Thank you for gives us lots of ideas on how to spend our holiday. We would like to listen to some of the judges on what is their comment about your ideas.

  Please mark for each contestant. From contestant No.11, the full mark is 30 points.

  Professor Feng and Mr. Wallace. Can have a short discussion about their representation. To give us some short comment.

  Judge: I am quite impressed with the discussion among three girls. I would like to point out that I especially enjoy the way they treat each other. And represent their own ideas. They knew that they were group, and they represent their own ideas, and it is time when they collect it. They are seam to compromise by saying that “ok, their ideas were pretty good. Or something like that.” We could see that, this is the team spirit. I love that. And I think there are still rooms for improvement in turns of their language proficiency. When they are in the hurry. They may time a little mistake, but … all right.

  I agree you are fantastic, and I like the end all of you have different opinions. You try to compromise. I mean you try to agree on point. No.11. You are very honest you said you are please to say I agree with you, but I still think my idea is the best. You all did a great job. Some of the point I have a little confuse sometimes you change your argument you should stay home for relax, no we should go somewhere but it is difficult to think to speak without the preparation. That is understandable. You are all fantastic.

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