
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月16日 14:50   新浪教育

  Host: Thank you. Next group is No.12, 13,5. Welcome back.

  We just have two topics; they have chosen one, that is ok. Listen carefully. If one day you best friend cheated on the test, would you tell the teacher about that? You have 15 seconds to think about.

  First, each of you will have delivered 30 seconds representation about their own idea. Ok?

  Panyi: Can I speak first?

  Host: Quzhi will be the first one.

  Quzhi: If the friend of mine, and that test is very important, I want to tell the teacher, because if I do not tell the teacher, actually it is bad for them. Because the first time, he cheated in the test, and he will have second time or third time. I do this to them, that is it.

  PanYi: I think that I will tell the teacher because maybe he or she is not my good friend or best friend, I will tell the teacher too. Because, that is bad for students, a good student I think he is. A good student will do something he can do. Except bad things, there are many tests in the future.

  Host: Just stop here.

  LongYunTian: We have a lot of chance after these things, just like contestant No.12 said, it is good for them, and maybe he or she will cheat me. But I do not care. This is good for them, maybe they will be angry, maybe he just got bad mark, but I will told the teacher, make them be honesty.

  Host: You stop before the last what it is sound. You have 180 seconds to have a group discussion, remember give some room to others.

  Free discussion:

  I said he is not my good friend, if the test is important, I will tell the teacher, if that friend is really good to me. My friend is good student, he or she always get a high mark. He or she is really nice to me. Maybe I do not want to tell the teacher. Maybe I just tell he or she that never does that any more. I will tell he or she that does this is not good, how important it is, you will have second time or third time. Like contestant No.5 said, I think nobody have salary, because they are all students. Maybe it is just in the firm have the problem of salary.

  Maybe he or she knows the mistake from him or her. She need to change it, I think do not tell the teacher is still really good. I do not agree with contestant No.12 do you know what is the best friend? If you are a really good student, you tell the teacher that is mean you help him or her. If you do not tell the teacher, maybe someone will say you are not friend. I know your point, if he or she is not really angry, she will change it, it is not really good. If you told the teacher, it is good for he or she, but she or he will not very happy after days.

  I think I should agree with him, if you are really good friend, you will hurt his or her feeling, I listened contestant No.13, if I told the teacher my friend will very angry, I do not mind, because I am helping them. It is good for them in the future.

  If you told the teacher, maybe he or she will angry, after a few days, he will be happy, because he knows that you are his best friend. Thank you.

  If you do that, she will not change well. You and her are friend, will be more near and near.

  I agree with the contestant No.12.

  Host: It is ok, but we still give each of you 30 seconds to represent your own ideas, during the group discussion you three have reach the comment about the question?

  Host: Any way, we will listen your own idea in another 30 seconds. So this time let’ s start the contestant No.5.

  I agree with them, I have a little problem that in my mind, if he or she is not your best friend, she is very good student, what will you do? I think that is right. Because maybe he will cheat you. Do something bad. But it is ok. Because you leave any dirty.

  I will also say that there are many test in the future, if you lose in one test, it is ok. Like contestant No.5. That is ok, there are many test. That is all I think.

  These two contestants are really funny; they did a really good job. They all said that, we should tell the teacher if he cheating in the test, I want to thank you contestant No.13 he agree with me.

  I have a question for audience and judges I really want to know that what you think if your friend is really good, what should I do that time?

  Should I tell the teacher?

  Host: Thank you.

  Host: Please listen to some of comments from our judges.

  Professor Zhang: It is really entertaining; we can see it is really a hot discussion. Keep the audience attention.

  In the very beginning, to very end, they should get a moral point. Because I am very happy.

  They make a distinguishing good and bad. What is the right thing what should we do.

  What is the best thing? What we should not do. One point and one moral point. Secondly, I really admire their team spirit, they work like a team. And they appreciate each other. Very good. The discussion is prefect. If you watch out the grammar. Thank you.

  Host: Thank you. Mr. Cui?

  Mr. Cui: I think you are clever people, you make the question simpler, the question goes like one day if you best friend cheated on the test, the question does not ask you one day your friend cheated on the test. I suppose that especially in your opening speeches, you are say something like Quzhi, my friend and my best friend, if my best friend….

  The other thing is I do appreciate honesty, your speaking on the nation TV, I want to ask you question. If I were you, stand there. Answer such a question; my answer will be I will tell my friend. I do not want to tell the teachers. I will try to persuade him or her to say to the teacher by them, what he did in the test. If he do not, probably he would be my friend my friend any more. I think you are telling me that on national TV, so honesty, you will tell the teacher even that is your friend. But even best friend, probably you think other ways. Thank you for honesty and thank you for the wonderful performance.

  Host: Thank you.

  Host: Let’ s welcome the 6 contestants back onto the stage.

  Host: I have a question for No.13. Because you are on the top of the charge, we have the last round, are you confidence to take the lead to the very end?

  Contestant No.13: Sure, I can be successful. I am very confidence although a little nervous. Host: No.2 is really close to you. Only 0.04. Jiaruxin is number.

  Contestant No.2: I think I might be the leader. So, both of the contestants are really confidence.

  Host: What about the other contestants you still have the chance.

  Contestants: Try our best.

  Host: Confidence?

  Contestants: Yes.

  Host: Ladies and gentleman, let’ s take off the last round “quick responds”

  In this round, we will ask some questions; of course, you need to compete for the chance to answer this question by stress the button on your desk.

  For each question, mark is half of point. If you answer the question correctly, you will get half of point, but if your answer is wrong, you will lose half of point. You do not have to wait us to finish the question; you can stress the button any time.

  Complete the question and give the correct answer. Again, if you wrong, you will lose half of point. This is the new future of the game. Remember carefully.

  Host: Are you ready?

  Contestants: Yes. Altogether we have 10 questions, I will read the first five.

  Host: 1.What is the Capital city of Japan?

  Contestant No.13: Tokyo.

  Host: Half of point.

  Host: 2.How many legs does a butterfly have?

  Contestant No.11: Six.

  Host: Correct, half of point.

  Host: 3. What does the abbreviation "DIY" stand for?

  Quzhi: say it again please.

  Host: No, we can not.

  Quzhi: I do not know.

  Host: Sorry you lose half of point.

  Host: It is really a pity.

  Host: Can anyone can answer this question please?

  Host: Please give the microphone to that girl.

  Audience: It means do it by yourself.

  Host: Thank you.

  Host: 4.Which country has the largest land mass?

  Contestant No.13: Is it Russia?

  Host: Ask me?

  Contestant No.13: It is Russia

  Host: Great. Half of point.

  Host: 5. Which is heavier, gold or silver?

  Contestant No.13: Gold.

  Host: Correct. Another half of point.

  Host: Be quickly girls.

  Host: 6.What is the most popular indoor sport in the U.S.A.?

  Quzhi: I think it is American football.

  Host: You lose half of point.

  Host: Does any the audience know the answer?

  Audience: Basketball. Basketball is the most popular indoor sport in the U.S.A.

  Host: 7.Muhammad Ali was the world champion in which sport? No.11.

  Contestant No.11: boxing.

  Host: correct

  Host: it is risky but you own it.

  Host: 8. Hawaii is located in which ocean? No.11

  Contestant No.11: Pacific.

  Host: Right.

  Host: 9.There are four cocks and three frogs. How many legs do they have in total?

  Host: Quzhi.

  Quzhi: 14.

  Host: I am really sorry.

  Host: Who can calculate it?

  Quzhi: 20.

  Host: this time she is correct but she lose half of point.

  Quzhi: Sorry.

  Host: Just move onto the last one.

  Host: 10.16 plus 40, then divided by 7.what is the result?

  Contestant No.11: 8.

  Host: half of point to No.11.

  Host: it is really competitive. It seems these ten questions are not enough. All of them especially contestant No.11. No.13 is also done a good job.

  Host: Let’ s take a look at the scoreboard for their marks ranks. Ladies and gentlemen, we will be back soon with the final result of competition. Good evening welcome back to CCTV the 4th annual star of outlook English talent competition. And you are watching the children’ final. Tonight’ s five rounds have all completed, who will be the top winner of today’ s competition.


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