
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月16日 15:33   新浪教育


  This Is Me

  Please close your eyes for just a moment and picture yourself strolling along the beach of a vast sea. Pressing against your feet are countless pebbles of countless shapes. Some are large, some small, some are round, some uneven, still some are triangles, and some may even resemble the shape of a cute rabbit. If we individuals are these pebbles along the beach, which shape would you like to have? Well, as to me, I would choose to be a fat round pebble.

  Why? Well, as you see I am so thin and weak, I always dream to be a stronger and fatter boy with a round face and bubbling muscle. But this is part of the reason, I have more to tell you.

  Firstly, by nature I am a definite perfectionist. I always strive to do everything perfectly, just like drawing a circle—a good beginning, a beautiful curve and then a happy and complete ending.

  Secondly, being a round pebble, I can move along the beach easily, which means in real life I can go traveling easily and rapidly than others. I am crazy about traveling. I spent most of my holiday going out. Now I can proudly say that all these years of traveling experience have equipped me with a sense of perseverance and an open mind.

  In addition, this ideal fat and round body of mine helps me to present myself as a warm-hearted and considerate young man and this is indeed what I am like in my dealing with others.

  This is me. Please do remember that I will say hello to you every time you go to the beach—best wishes from a fat round pebble!








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