
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月16日 16:31   新浪教育


  Through the Camera Lens

  Believe it or not, my hobby of taking pictures has changed the way I look at our world. I used to see, through the camera lens, only the good things in nature, and in society.

  Then a trip in Yunnan made a big change in what I see through my camera. As you all know, Yunnan has beautiful scenery—green hills and clear waters. During an excursion in the countryside, I was attracted by some nice little houses in tranquil surroundings. I pointed my camera at them. As I was about to press the button, my eyes fell on some grayish queer-looking things dangling form a bamboo pole spanning (or “resting on”?) two small trees in front of a house. When I took a closer look, I saw a dozen carcasses of birds, all plucked and gutted, being dried in the sun. I was shocked by this scene. How can human beings be so cruel to these innocent creatures? Don’t we share the earth with them? If the ecological balance is upset, how can the human race survive and be happy? I was sickened by such wonton killing of protected animals, by this downright stupid act. I took a picture of this awful scene, not to show that I have been to this place, but to remind myself and all who see it, that we are faced with ecological disasters.

  It’s not enough just to record and condemn such a savage act. Let’s do something before it is too late.






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