
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月16日 17:17   新浪教育


  Lian Zheyu

  Miss Yan has been studying English in my class for the previous two years. She has impressed me not only with good scores she gets in the class but also with the highly active and devout attitude she learns English. She is among the few students who have worked consistently hard as part of a relentless and ultimately successful drive to acquire a practical command of the English language. She has the best presentation skills of any person her age that I have ever instructed. She is not only capable of expressing her own thoughts and ideas in fluent and accurate English, but also good at rendering incisive and imaginative arguments in English in my class. Because of her verbal skills, clarity of expression and articulateness, she has been made a member of the university debate team. She will undoubtedly be both a credit and an asset to your great contest. I wish her every success in her endeavors.

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