
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月16日 17:17   新浪教育


  Going through the Cornfield

  All seasons begin with a rain in the spring, all lives start with the baby's loud cry, and every story begins with a question.

  Why am I coming to this contest?

  Many people have asked me the question ever since I made the decision to compete in the contest. I always replied with a smile and a story from my reading. The story is called "Going through the Cornfield". You are the leading character in the story. You and your rivals are supposed to get to the other side of the field as quick as possible while finding the best corn you have come across in the field. But you have never given a serious thought to the reason why you are in the contest. However, the intricate roads in the field prompt you to reckon whether you should have a try when there is an opportunity; the traps in the field have brought you to the realization that cooperation is the best course of action when the difficulty is the enemy of all. At last, you find the answer. After all these things, you finally come to the conclusion that life is a huge cornfield and you would never know what's going to happen. You decide to go because you do not want to miss the challenge of life; you decide to go because you know the cornfield is a place of growth, a place where you grow up with the corns, not a place that produces the end.

  And right here and now, I am going through my cornfield.




  打从一开始我决定参赛,就不断有人问我这个问题。我总是微微一笑,然后告诉他们一则我从书上读到的故事。故事的名字叫《穿越玉米地》。你是主角。你和你的对手们必须以最快的速度到达彼岸,并且手中有最大最好的玉米。起初,你也很迷茫,不知道为什么要来。但是,玉米地里错综复杂的道路让你学会了思考“在机遇面前是大胆一试还是一成不变”;玉米地里的重重陷阱让你懂得了“当困难成为所有竞争者共同的敌人时,就应当尝试合作”……当你经历了穿越过程中的种种之后,你终于找到了答案:人生本来就是一片无边的玉米地,你选择穿越,因为你不想让生命缺少挑战;你选择穿越,因为玉米地不是 一个诞生结局的地方,它是一个成长的地方,玉米在成长,你也在成长。


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