
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月16日 17:26   新浪教育


  My slogan for the Beijing Olympic Games

  Good morning, ladies and gentleman,

  Today I would like to share with you my self-created slogan for the coming Beijing Olympic Games, that is “Beijing Olympics, everyone’s invited”.

  Literally this slogan tells us that this grandest sports event will be held in Beijing, China and at the same time it can be seen as an invitation to everyone in this world as a whole. Besides all that, there is something much more profound in this slogan.

  Firstly, Olympic Game is, in a way, a grand festival that brings people worldwide together. In this festival, everyone is invited to appreciate the art of sports, no matter what language you speak, what color of skin you have or what country you come from. So I think my slogan has been created in accordance with this fundamental theme of Olympic Games. Just as the Olympic motto goes: It’s more important to participate than to win. Beijing, as the capital of this nation with the greatest hospitality, will embrace with its open arms all the friends coming from afar.

  Secondly, my slogan is also a nation’s call to mobilize its entire people. Beijing Olympics, everyone’s invited, will you accept this invitation? As the saying goes: United, we stand. Olympic Games need the entire nation’s joint effort. We need you to come up with brilliant ideas to settle various problems. For instance, we need many volunteers to serve as interpreters, doctors, drivers and tour guides to ensure the success of this grandest sports event. And my slogan “Beijing Olympics, everyone’s invited” can stir our nation’s blood and encourage everyone to do his part so that this Olympic Games can run smoothly.

  All in all, my slogan “Beijing Olympics, everyone’s invited” is a perfect example that embodies the Chinese people’s hospitality and the nation’s coherence. Let’s look forward to the complete success of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games! Thank you!


  女士们、先生们, 早上好!








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