
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月16日 17:39   新浪教育


  A wonderful time

  Last week was the 4th Annual Star of Outlook English Talent Competition at CCTV. Many contestants, judges and audiences were present. Among the children group contestants, there was a boy. He was from Wuhan City, Hubei Province and wanted to be a scientist. Yeah, that is me, Jie li di. Now, I am going to tell you my feeling about this competition.

  As you see, the scientist always expresses his ideal clearly. First, I want to say that it’s my pleasure to meet so many friends, such as “computer master”-Yu Li, “hard scoring goal”-Jing Yunan, “crazy guy”--Zhang Bo and so on. We were creative, humor, and enjoyable. We talked each other, congratulated each other, and cheered each other.

  Then, as you know, I have learned a lot from the competition. For example, when I was standing on the stage, I was tense at beginning. I knew the best way is relaxation and confidence. I said to myself. Come on, brave fellow. It is a piece of cake, and gets it. Then I felt at home and did a good job. When you feel lost, you must believe yourself--hold on! That is my experience.

  Last but not least, I want to thank for Outlook English Magazine give me this opportune to learn English, to make friends. Have wonderful time in the competition. I really enjoy it and cherish it. It is possible that I can’t describe all my feeling in this article. If you really want to know more about this contest, why don’t you come, too?

  Join us, please!

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