
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月16日 17:45   新浪教育


  My best friend—Book

  In my life, I have made lots of friend, but can you believe that my best friend never spoke a word, but taught me loads of stuff? Yes, my friend is book.

  Book brings me lots of knowledge. It tells me the distance from Saturn to the Sun, the location of Nile, the damage that global warming could cause, and many more. I am always fascinated by science in the book.

  Book broadens my imagination. When a person reads many good pieces of article, the inspiration blooms like blossom flower in your heart. The saying is exactly the same to me. When I write an article, I am never run out of topic.

  Book helped me to cope with failure. When I have a bad score for my test, or feel frustrated, I’ll go and find a book that tells stories about facing adversities. After a while, I find out that the person in the book has a much more agonizing journey than I have had through the day, so I believe in myself and keep on fighting my way out.

  A t the end of this speech, I just want to say:“Thank you, book, my best friend”.







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