
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 13:45   新浪教育


  One World, One Dream – The 2008 Olympic Games and Me

  For the first time in history, the capital of our nation will be the host of the greatest event of humanity. The 2008 Olympic Games will take place in Beijing, while it arouses the pride inside all the Chinese people.

  My fellows say that they’re going to enroll as Olympic volunteers, and I’d say the official recruitment is not the only way I do my bit for the Games. The Olympic season is a time when all the nation’s resources gather to serve the smooth operation of the event – mine included; whatever it may help, it helps. Perhaps the mistakes I correct in English public signs will save our guests lots of trouble, and the Olympic journals in my web space could be viewed by millions of people. You may think that all these are small things. But I’d say, my dear friend, there’s no small thing when it comes to Olympics. Every bit of effort will count.




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