
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 13:47   新浪教育


  Power of the Olympics

  Today I'd like to talk about the power of the Olympics.

  I've always felt apathetic about sports because I never seem to have much luck with them. As a result, I usually take no interest in the Olympics.

  However, one day, something changed. On July 13th, 2001, the Olympic committee announced that China would be hosting the 2008 Olympics. I started to reflect upon myself, and realized that the Olympics aren't just about the athletes, but about the common people, like us. And not just in China, but around the world. The Olympics can inspire us to try new things, to appreciate other cultures and to accept new challenges. In 2008, in the beautiful land where history will be made, the time has come to inscribe a new legend for ourselves.

  And so, as simple as it sounds, this time, this world will be ours!



  我对运动向来不怎么“感冒”, 因为坏运气总是跟着我转。因此,我平时并不是非常关注奥运会。



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