
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 13:50   新浪教育



  首先要注重培养兴趣。兴趣是一个人努力的动力,兴趣是一个人力量的源泉。一个人如果只是被逼迫才学习,那么成功将永远只是一个梦想。闲暇时看一些英文电影,听一些英文歌曲、著名演讲,既可以增长见识,又可以培养一个人对英语的兴趣,使一个人产生驾驭英语的渴望。我是在初二时听到了Martin Luther King 的著名演讲《I have a dream》,虽然当时什么都听不懂,但我还是被他的激情、他的抑扬顿挫深深打动,便以为英语只是“This is a desk”的我立即下决心要学好英语。一个人对英语产生兴趣,他最好的老师已经找到了。





  A Boy of Intelligence

  A smart boy, Wang Yuan, who is regarded as the top student of English subject, has got the opportunity to take part in the Outlook English Competition represented by CCTV. What inspiring news it is that makes every student and teacher cheerful, me as his hardworking, strong interest and attitude towards English that makes his achieve a lot, even perfectly.

  Wang Yuan is a boy of intelligence and well educated. I have taught him nearly two years in which I have been deeply impressed at his behavior in class and after class. I remember clearly that the first time I met this lovely boy I felt much shocked at his fluent English. That was the first English class in the new term when I asked the students to have a self-introduction in English. He was the first one to raise his hand and said to me politely, “Miss Wei, could I turn back and face my classmates to speak?” No sooner had he finished speaking than he drew prolonged applause. It seemed as if I was listening to the broadcast of the Voice of America -- beautiful and perfectly! I believe that not only I but every student in Class I still remembers his excellent English both in the Debate and English Speech Competition. What I want to express is not just his speaking and listening ability. He is good at writing as well. Every time I read his composition, I can hardly find a grammar mistake. He can accurately use what he has learned in the text book to express his feelings, I mean he can very well distinguish what is spoken English and what is written English .

  What makes Wang Yuan so outstanding, worthy a student? It is his hardworking, self-confidence concentration and determination that lead him to the success. As well English, he does very well in other subjects, such as math, Chinese, physics, and so on. Actually, he is a student developing in an all-around way ----morally, intellectually and physically.

  I believe Wang Yuan is bound to stand on the top of “the pyramid ”and that his dream is to come true, just as what he has written in his composition, “one day in the future, I will let everyone in the world hear my voice ”.


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