
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 13:50   新浪教育


  One world, one dream----the 2008 Olympics and I

  I think the real meaning of the 2008 Olympic Game is not how many gold medals we can get, nor how much we can profit from it, but what we can do for freedom of the world. This Olympics will also be a stage for peace. God didn’t give me a body strong enough to participate in it; I’d like to be a volunteer translator. I hope my translation will help to build a bridge of friendship between China and Japan. I hope my translation will help to raise a rainbow of love between American and Iraq. I hope with my translation the sons of former invaders and the sons of former victims can sit down together at the table of brotherhood. I know my ability is limited and all these will not be true if all by I. but with the endeavor of every translator, all these will come true someday.

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