
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 15:11   新浪教育

  ☆ 我是这样学英语的

  I actually began to learn English when I was in Grade 5 in primary school, just like the other students did. My mother demanded me to learn English from a radio when I was young. I use the word ‘demand’ because it was really a kind of punishment to me at that time. I found it quite difficult in understanding the odd language, just like a newborn baby listening to a Physics professor teaching E=mc2.

  Then I began to learn the subject at school. I did quite badly in Grade 5. But something magic happened in Grade 6——I began to love the language.

  I would never know for what kind of reason I began to like the language, which I used to hate. I just like it, and began to try my best in the subject. I listened to teacher carefully in class and tried my best to do the exercises. Since then I have been good at English and since then I have believed that interest is the important thing for anyone who wants to succeed in a certain field or I should say that if you like it, you can do it well.

  School study is not enough, of course. I also do something else after school. I listened to English cassette every morning when I was in Primary school. Although I don’t do it now, I think that was really an excellent way of learning English. I read a lot, too. I like the series called Bookworm (I don’t know if I can call it like this.), such as The unquiet grave, A Christmas carol and Sherlock Holmes---The Hound of the Baskervills, etc. More than that, I practice speaking English often. I tried to catch the precious chances to speak with foreign teachers in junior school. And for most of the time, I talk with myself.

  I’m lucky to take part in this contest. Although I don’t know I will get in it. (This passage was written before the national contest.) They asked me to write a paragraph telling people how I learn English. So here it is. I don’t mean to say I study English well. If you ask me to tell you what I want to say in one sentence, I think I should say: “Interest & Practice.”

  ☆ 家长或老师文章



  但是,学习仅凭一时的兴趣是不够的,他深知的No pains,no gains 的道理。他认真对待自己每一个哪怕是极微小的疑问,精益求精,字典、同学、老师都是他求教的对象。他的学习从课堂上一直延伸至课外广阔的天地,从课本学习一直延伸到课外的书籍阅读《The coldest place in the word》、《Under the moon》、《A Christmas》等等。凡是他能找到的材料,他都如饥似渴地去阅读,众所周知,阅读是提高英语综合能力的最好方法。他通过学习,不仅扩充了词汇扩大了知识面,还锻炼了自己的理解能力、分析推理能力、总结能力等等,更培养了自己的语感。



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