
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 15:11   新浪教育

  ☆ 赛后感想

  As a loser of the game, I have got so much to say that I could hardly decide what to tell you. Finally, I decided to tell you one sentence: I’m happy to lose the game.

  It sounds strange of me to say these words. But they are really from the bottom of my heart. Once upon a time, I was only a schoolboy studying in Senior one, living a simple life as the other students in the country do. One day, I got a chance to go to CCTV and take part in a competition that will be seen by people all over the country. I have never dreamt that I could go to a strange city by myself, standing on the stage of CCTV, facing hundreds of audiences and giving them a speech called ‘Smile for life’ with a silly smile on my face. All these seemed to be only a fantasy, but fantasy became reality. For the first time of my life, I went into the CCTV building; for the first time of my life, I met famous hosts and hostesses, and for the first time of my life, I stood in front of so many people confidently and with little fear or nervousness. More than that , I knew from the failure what my weak points were.

  It was really great experience, wasn’t it? And I’m sure, it’ll leave me great memories. I think I’ll be delighted and grateful when I think of today’s failure in the future. Because at that time, I will be a winner.

  Yes! Now I would like to finish my passage, the whole business and the whole experience in the contest with a line of words from a song: Look at my beautiful smile , just keep it as a souvenir. One day in the future, you will see me on the same stage, in the same contest, with a same smile, but a winner.

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