
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 15:50   新浪教育


  I always take a positive attitude towards a competition of any kind, and regard it as useful experience for my growth. To me, the experience of a competition is more important than the result. I do care about my performance in the competition, but if one cares too much about the result, he or she will not fully enjoy the competition. Once you view a competition as experience, you will enjoy every aspect of it, rather than the result only. If you ask me to say something concerning the competition, the following three points may be a good summary.

  First, my dream has come true. I am a faithful viewer and follower of the TV programme “the Star of Outlook”, and I had often dreamed of being on the stage with Mr. Cheng Cheng and Miss Zhu Hua. In the provincial competition, I got the first place, and found myself excited, thinking that I would meet these two famous figures that English learners in China had been worshiping. My friends , too, were all excited and asked me to have their signatures. When I met them the first day, I could not wait to ask them for their signatures. I had never imagined that they were so kind and considerate, and even asked me if my friends had enough to share. If not, they could write more.

  Second, I enjoyed myself in all the activities during the competition. I have many new friends from all parts of China. I even made friends with some students from Hong Kong. We all love English, and we greet each other in English, chat in English, even tell jokes in English.

  Third, I am very happy to see that my English improved. All the contestants spoke perfect English. The judges were greatly impressed, and the audience applauded their brilliant performance. The competition helped me form a clear picture of myself. I have gained more self-confidence in my English as I was able to become one of the final twelve out of thousands of contestants, but at the same time, I am fully aware of the excellent performances of other contestants. Next term, I will be a senior middle student, and it will be a long way for me to go. I am fully prepared for it as I believe in the following two proverbs: where there is a will, there is a way; Rome was not built in a day.

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